Icons and Drabbles for Whedonland

Sep 05, 2011 00:09

Here are some icons and some drabbles I did for the Squared challenge at whedonland. The icons are mostly from Angel with a few BtVS thrown in. The drabbles are Lindsey-centric Angel and one Firefly.

Drabbles: Pattern, Time, Change, and Night
Icons: Group, Secret, Your Choice (Lindsey), Water, and Love

The Icons





Your Choice

Your Choice





Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

Caps from disparue.org.
You're welcome to snag whatever you like.
Please don't hotlink. Save to your own computer.
Please credit me if you take anything.
Comments are lovely and appreciated. <3


The Drabbles

Pattern (180 words; Lindsey McDonald)

It was four in the morning, and Lindsey McDonald was sitting up in bed trying to sketch out a list of odds and ends he needed to finish before his meeting with Holland the next morning. Holland wanted to sit down with him in order to discuss “rational” strategies for dealing with Angel. Apparently, he considered Lindsey’s most recent attempts to bring down that pain in the ass with fangs to be a bit questionable. Holland had told Lindsey that had he’d developed an “unhealthy pattern” for coping with his rage. Maybe he had a point. Lindsey knew his brain tended to short-circuit where Angel was concerned. But dammit, that piece of scum had cut off his hand. How rational was he supposed to be under those circumstances? With a labored breath, Lindsey let his head fall back against his pillow. Tomorrow, he’d listen to Holland’s lecture about patterns and rational behavior, and then he’d go back to his office and plot revenge on the vampire with a soul. With a smile, he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

Time (170 words; mention of Lindsey/Eve)

Time was something Eve had always thought she’d have enough of… after all, she’d been granted immortality by the Senior Partners, and she’d never even remotely considered what it might mean to die. For her, life had been a meaningless strand of events designed to serve the Senior Partners, and she’d never questioned the validity of that.

And then she’d met Lindsey. Lindsey with his beautiful eyes and crooked smile and wild plans. For the first time in her life, Eve had started to think about more than her duty to the Senior Partners. She’d started to fall in love, and she found herself imagining her future with Lindsey. And for a while, it had seemed possible. Even when she’d lost her immortality and knew she’d have to eventually face her own end, she still had time with Lindsey. And that made it all worthwhile.

But then Lindsey had run out of time, and now all Eve could do was count down the minutes and hours and days without him.

Change (329 words; Lindsey, Angel, and Cordelia; set after "Not Fade Away")

Angel knew it was going to be “one of those days” when he stumbled into his office at Wolfram and Hart and saw Cordelia leaning against his desk filing her nails. His first instinct was to rush over and embrace her, ignoring the nipping voice in the back of his head that told him this was all wrong. Instead, he just stood there and stared.

“Boy,” Cordelia said after a moment. “I hope you don’t plan on looking at our clients with that guppy face.”

“Right,” he said. “Uh… I don’t suppose Gunn’s around? I kind of need to talk to him.”

“Gunn? Why would he be here?”

“No reason.”

Cordelia rolled her eyes. “Well, whatever. You have a meeting with Lindsey about his trial this afternoon, and-”

Angel felt his gut start to twist into a knot. “Lindsey?”

“Yeah.” Cordelia made a face. “Lawyer? Works here? Should I send him in now?”

Folding his arms across his chest, he said, “I can hardly wait to see him.”

A few minutes later, Lindsey sauntered in with a self-satisfied grin on his face. “Hey, boss! Cordy says you’re a little whacko today.”

Angel squared his jaw. Lindsey was dressed in one of the expensive suits he’d always worn when he was still working for the firm. His hair was shorter than it had been the last time they’d seen each other, and he looked to be the picture of health.

“You look good,” Angel said evenly.

Lindsey closed the door and leaned casually back against it. “You mean for a dead guy? I feel good!”

Angel clenched and unclenched his fist. “What did you do?”

Lindsey grinned. “I’m not ready to tell you. But you can thank me for Cordelia. That’s my gift to you.”

“I killed you,” Angel said, even as he fought the urge to charge across the office and put his hands around Lindsey’s throat. “You’re dead.”

“Well,” Lindsey said with a serene smile. “Things change.”

(Yes, I know. I'm mean to end it there. :D)

Night (232 words; Mal, Zoe, Zoe/Wash)

When Mal finally found Zoe, she was sitting outside on a rock a good distance away from Serenity. As he walked over to her, he struggled over what to say. He sure wasn’t going to ask her if she was all right. Of course she wasn’t. They would all recover from losing Wash and Book soon enough, but Mal figured Zoe had a right to be all kinds of not all right for as long as she wanted.

The cool night air of the little border planet ghosted against his skin as he sat down next to her. “Hey,” he said.

Without looking at him, she said, “Is it your turn to tend to me?”

“I’m the captain. It’s always my turn to tend to you.”

They sat there without talking for a while, then finally, Zoe said, “The nights are the worst. I’m so used to having him in bed next to me that I can’t seem to fall asleep.”

Mal wasn’t good with words of comfort, so he just looped his arm around her shoulders. “I can’t say it’s gonna get easier,” he said. “I don’t know if it is.”

Scrubbing her face with her hands, she cleared her throat. “The wounds’ll scab over eventually. I’m expecting a lot of sleepless nights until then.”

“Well,” Mal said. “I guess the least I can do is keep you company then.”

i should have a whedon tag, fic: firefly, icons, fic: angel, land comms rock

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