Fic: Reckless (Kane RPS, PG-13)

Aug 10, 2011 01:53

Title: Reckless
Author: sheryden
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1093
Fandom: Kane RPS
Pairings: Chris/Steve
Warnings A brief spanking, so if that offends you... Also, some language.
Disclaimer: I do not own these people, and the story within is just the fruit of my vivid imagination.
Summary: When Chris has a near-miss on set during a stunt, Steve gets fed up.
Note: Yeah, so. This was written for hc_bingo for the prompt "corporal punishment."

There were days when Steve wanted to throttle Chris and shower him with kisses all at the same time. He’d learned years ago that his relationship with Chris was going to fray his patience and test his casual nature. It was always something with the guy-a few too many drinks at show; a threadbare temper and a busy schedule; or a crazy ass stunt that might end in stitches or broken bones.

Steve sat at the foot of the bed he shared with Chris whenever he was visiting Portland. It had been a damn long day, and Steve felt a bone-deep exhaustion starting to settle over his mind and body. One of Chris's stunts had gone awry, and even though there were no serious injuries this time, the day’s events had rattled Steve far more than he cared to admit. He and Chris were long overdue for a talk.

As Steve debated the situation, Chris breezed in from the bathroom wearing only a beater and a pair of boxer briefs. He had a towel in his hands and was scrubbing the remaining dampness out of his hair. With an exuberant smile, he said, “Damn, man. I can’t believe I’m not black and blue.”

“Huh?” Steve looked up.

Chris grinned. “Other than that knot on my leg, I don’t have a scratch on me.” He shook his head and chuckled to himself. “John said if I’d slipped a few inches to the left, I probably would’ve messed up my arm easy.”

“And that’s funny to you?”

“Well, now that it’s over, yeah.” He tossed his wet towel at Steve’s face. “I freaked Beth out pretty good, though. She was more shaken up than I was.”

“Uh huh,” Steve felt the urge to do something with his hands, so he busied himself folding the towel into a neat square before placing it on the ground by his feet. “You kinda freaked me out, too, you know.”

With a roguish smile, Chris walked over and cuffed Steve on the shoulder. “Shit, I’m fine. It was hardly anything.”

“You were fine this time, but you almost weren’t.” Steve ran a hand through his hair and let out a breath. “You could take it a little more seriously.”

Chris made a face. “I do take it seriously. I put a lot of work into those stunts.” He bit his lips and cocked his head at Steve. “I think you’re being a little dramatic.”

“Really? ‘Cause I don’t think so. These little mishaps are starting to become a regular thing with you.”

“Oh, come on.”

“Christian, you take stupid, unnecessary risks, and I’m sick of it.”

“Why are you pissed at me about this? It’s my job.”

“You’re an actor,” Steve snapped. “Most actors don’t risk life and limb.”

“Well, most actors don’t do their own stunts.” Chris stretched and shook his head. “You’re worrying your pretty little head over nothing.”

Steve clenched his jaw. “Do I need to run through your list of injuries? We could look it up on your website. You do like to brag about ‘em.”

“Well,” Chris said with a smirk. “The girls like hearing about it.”

“They don’t have to deal with the physical fallout of every dumb thing you do. You have trouble getting out of bed most mornings. I see that, and it’s freaking me out.”

Chris laughed under his breath. “Don’t be a girl.”

Steve felt the frustration bubble up on his gut and chest. Without fully thinking about what he was doing, Steve grabbed Chris by the forearm and tugged him over his lap.

“What the hell are you doing?” Chris said, trying to push himself off Steve’s lap.

“What does it look like?” Steve smacked his hand down hard on Chris’s backside.

Chris shot a glare over his shoulder. “Ow, dammit.”

Steve looped his index finger into the band of Chris’s boxer briefs and tugged them down over his hips. “What?” He smacked his hand down on Chris’s bare flesh. “You’re a tough guy.” Placing one hand on Chris’s back to steady him, Steve peppered bare skin with firm swats.

After several moments, Steve’s hand stilled, and he grazed his knuckle against the now-hot flesh of Chris’s backside. He could only imagine how sore Chris was right now considering the throbbing in his own hand.

When Chris scrambled to his feet and took a couple of steps away from the bed, Steve was suddenly struck with the reality of what he’d just done. He gazed at Chris for some sign of anger or betrayal, but Chris just looked stunned. Silence fell over the room as both men stared awkwardly at each other.

After a while, Chris finally broke the silence. Rubbing his backside, he flashed a self-conscious grin and said, “So I guess you feel pretty strong about this.”

Steve’s lips curved into a grin as he felt the tension start to seep out of the room. “What tipped you off?” He paused for a moment, then said, “You okay?”

Chris nodded. “Like you said, I’m a tough guy. And you hit like a girl.”

“Cute,” Steve fought the urge to smile. “Look,” he said after a few seconds. “I didn’t intend to do… that.”

“Nah,” Chris said with a wave. “I had it coming.” He sat down on the bed next to Steve. “I’m not intentionally trying to hurt myself, you know. Sometimes I just get a little caught up.”

“I know that,” Steve said. “But it seems like you're getting hurt more often these days. You’re not even forty yet, man. What do you think you’re going to feel like when you’re fifty? You hear me?”

“You’re right, Steve. I know you’re right.” He took a breath. “Do you want me to tell John I can’t do my own stunts anymore?”

“No,” Steve said quickly. He didn’t want that. Chris loved doing his own stunts, and he’d never want take that away from him. “Just don’t push yourself too far. And try to understand where I’m coming from when I get upset. I love you. And all that mushy stuff.”

Chris grinned. “I can do that. And I love you, too.” He took Steve’s hand in his and started lightly massaging it. “Did I make you hurt your hand?”

“It’s a little sore.”

“Well, you were pretty enthusiastic about tanning my hide, you know.” Chris planted a kiss on Steve’s cheek. “Maybe next time, you should use a paddle or something.”

Steve arched an eyebrow. “Next time?”

“Well,” Chris said with a naughty smile. “You never know.”

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hc bingo, fic: kane rps

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