Captain America, LJ, and other ramblings

Jul 30, 2011 15:36

I have lots of stuff to say about the state of my life and the decisions I've made about my future because of it, but I don't feel like typing a lengthy post only to get a "500 server error" thing. And it pisses me off that I see other people posting stories and stuff, yet I can't. Others can't even comment on comm entries (though I can do that, at least).

I think I'll try and post a fic later, but it might wind up being a Dreamwidth-only entry if LJ isn't functional by then.

I don't even know if anyone is reading these entries right now anyway. There isn't a lot of action on my flist.

But one thing I will say: Captain America is amazing--everything I'd hoped for and more. And the after-credits clip at the end has me wanting my very own time machine so I can travel to 2012. Well, I want my own time machine anyway. Imagine the fun I could have. ;)

movies: comics

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