
Jun 15, 2011 18:41

First, here's a fannish meme snagged from kilodalton:

Give me some TOP (fandomy) FIVES everybody! I will answer them in a separate post!

Second, here's that five-question meme. Snagged from all over the place.

• Comment with "come at me, bro" (or "I want to play" or anything similar)
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

From melodious329:

1. What piece of jewelry do you wear most often and why? My silver claddagh necklace. I've had it for years and rarely take it off. It has a lot of sentimental value to me.

2. What is your morning routine? Well, I usually roll out of bed, and walk to the computer to check my e-mail. Then remember I haven't been to the bathroom yet, so I go take care of all bathroom-related things and head back to the computer. Then I realize I'm hungry and should probably eat. So I got get food and eat it by the computer. You get the picture, lol.

Seriously, though, it depends on what I have to do that day. On a work day, I'll be getting ready to leave the house. If I'm just bumming around, I'll let myself gradually wake up.

3. What are five things that put you in an instant bad mood?

a) Idiot drivers. I can't tell you how many time I've almost been slammed into because of some dumbass who's in a hurry or on a cell phone.
b) Being ignored or taken for granted. I get that a lot, and it chips away at my self-esteem.
c) People letting me down or breaking promises.
d) Pushy crowds at the grocery story.
e) Any kind of bigotry.

4. What's the one thing in this world that you can't live without (material thing, not animals or people or air or water, etc) Probably my computer. I've been without it, and it wasn't pleasant.

5. If you were to be a circus performer, what would you do? A knife thrower! I don't know why. It just sounds way fun.

From jesco0307:

1.If you have a best friend, what makes him/her that? In case you don't have one, what qualities would he/she have to have? I had best friends when I was younger, but I've been stabbed in the back a couple of times. That makes me a little leery about letting people get too close to me. Also, the idea of a "best" friend makes it feel like my friends have to fight it out for first place, lol. In a friend, I look for someone I can trust and who will accept me for who I am.

2. What career would you choose if you couldn't do what you do now, but could choose freely? I think I'd like to be a writer for TV.

3. What type of animal would you be? Either a wolf or a horse. They both represent freedom to me.

4. If you feel down, give me three things that make you feel better.

a) Brainstorming for stories. I love the back and forth of a good conversation about writing. It's energizing and gets me excited about something.
b) Christian Kane music and pics. Music, in general, has a lot of meaning to me and tends to cheer me up.
c) Getting surprised with flowers or something else that's just pretty.

5. Do you speak any foreign languages? If yes, which? If no, choose one you would like to speak!

Well, I used to be able to read German fairly well. Enough to be able to read a novel in the language anyway. I'm woefully out of practice, though,

I'd love to learn another language. Maybe Greek or Irish or Welsh or something.


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