Fandom Meme

Jun 01, 2011 03:39

A version of this has been floating around on Tumblr. I'm posting it here, though. I'm doing Leverage. Shocked?

Favorite Character: Eliot, though I love the whole cast

Least Favorite Character: The Italian

Character I Love That Others Don't: Tara. I know a lot of people don't like her, but I think she's fantastic. And I totally love the fact that she has a history with Sophie.

Character I Wanna Get Romantic With: Eliot :D Really, who else was a I going to say?

Character I Wanna Be BFFs With: Hardison would make a great friend. We could have Doctor Who marathons together.

Favorite Pairing: Nate/Eliot, though I ship like crazy for this show

Favorite Episode: Right now, it's "The Big Bang Job." Ask me again tomorrow.

Unpopular Opinion: As much as I ship, I don't want to see Parker with anyone on-screen. No romances for Parker. I know I'm supposed to be pulling for Parker/Hardison, but I don't want them to go there. I know they probably will, but I think it will damage the team dynamic (two couples and one fifth wheel), and it'll degrade Parker as a character. Let's have an amazing female character who doesn't need to be hooked up with a man.

I might do this for other shows later, but right now, I need some sleep.

memes: fandom

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