Fic: Connections (SGA, Evan/Ronon, PG)

Apr 20, 2011 23:49

Title: Connections
Author: sheryden
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1427
Pairing: Ronon/Lorne
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Alas, not mine.
Summary: Ronon visits and bored and uncomfortable Evan in the infirmary. Just sort of a slice-of-life.
Notes: This was written for jayfray18 for the fic exchange at slashing_lorne.

When Evan Lorne first transferred into the Stargate Program, he knew his life had ceased to bear any resemblance to normality. And that was fine with him. A little bit of weird kept things interesting.

But once he’d transferred to Atlantis, his life had gone from a little weird to batshit, off-the-charts crazy. He’d had to adjust his definition of “average everyday occurrence” to include things like sentient spaceships, life-sucking aliens, and COs who almost turn into bugs. And if he were being honest, he’d have to admit it worried him a little that he’d adapted to the freak factor of Atlantis so completely.

While most of the really crazy stuff seemed to happen to Sheppard, Evan had had more than a few brushes with the bizarre himself since arriving on Atlantis. He’d contracted a weird alien virus that gave him amnesia. He’d had his dreams invaded by a doppelganger of his CO. And he’d been buried alive with a broken leg and a panicky Rodney McKay. Through it all, he’d rolled with it and tried to shrug it all off to “just another day on Atlantis.”

In fact, Evan had gotten so accustomed to crazy that he’d been wholly unsurprised when he’d gotten out of bed earlier in the morning and had promptly been knocked on his ass by a gnarly, mustard-colored plant the botany department had nicknamed Fido. For a plant, Fido packed a hell of a punch-Evan had been pitched across the greenhouse, where he’d landed in a heap beside an apologetic and flaily Dr. Parrish. To make the whole experience that much weirder, Fido had slathered Evan’s face with a spray of greenish goo.

The goo seemed mostly harmless. He wasn’t glowing in the dark-much to the disappointment of Colonel Sheppard. And he hadn’t developed so much as a minor rash. In fact, Parrish and a couple of the other botanists had scurried off muttering about “enriching nutrients” and “applications for body lotion.” None of that had stopped Keller from confining him to the infirmary for 24 hours of observation, though.

Currently Evan was flat on his back, aching through and through and bored out of his skull. He couldn’t even draw or paint properly, because of the damn swelling around his wrist and elbow.

Groaning, he gazed over at Keller, who was immersed in an inventory of her medical supplies. Clearing his throat and conjuring up his most genial tone of voice, he said, “Hey, Doc?”

Without looking up from her clipboard, Keller said, “No, Major. You still can’t leave.”

“Doc, give me a break. I’m fine.”

“Listen,” she said with a tired smile. “I know you’re bored and uncomfortable, but I want to keep here you tonight for observation. We don’t know what that goo from… Fido does to the human body. I don’t have to tell you that we’ve had some close calls.”

Defeated, he let his head drop back against the once-fluffy pillow behind him. He was quiet for exactly seven minutes, then he sat up again. “If I was gonna burst into flames or something, wouldn’t I have done it by now?”

Letting out a breath, she tucked the clipboard under her arm and headed toward her office. “There’s still time, Major. You never know. Either way, you’re my guest for the-oh, Ronon. Hi.”

Evan glanced up and saw Ronon standing just inside the doorway, leaning casually against the wall. Ronon. Now, he was another thing to add to Evan Lorne’s List of Strange and Unusual. He and Ronon had been seeing each other for a couple of months now, and it had been a damn good couple of months. But as happy as Ronon made him, Evan still hadn’t quite adjusted to the relationship. It wasn’t the guy on guy factor-he’d been exclusively dating men for years, and the SGC was a little more lax about sexual orientation than the rest of the military.

There was just something about being in a real, normal, adult relationship that unsettled Evan far more than sentient spaceships and temperamental plants. When he was with Ronon, his stomach tied itself up in knots, and his emotions surged with an intensity he’d never quite experienced before. Just the sight of Ronon swaggering over to his bed sent a swell of warmth washing over him.

“Hey, Doc,” Ronon said with a smirk. “How’s the patient?” He reached out and patted Evan on the leg.

She glanced in Evan’s direction. “Cranky.”

Sitting down on the bed, Ronon winked at Evan. “Not half as bad as I’d be. Okay if I hang out for a while?”

“If it’ll keep him occupied, please do. But you might want to minimize skin to skin contact with his, uh, face. We’re still being cautious.” Her cheeks turned a bright shade of red as she gazed at the two of them for a moment. Clearing her throat, she flashed smile and headed toward her office.

As soon as Keller was out of earshot, Evan leaned forward and whispered, “I am going stir crazy, Ronon.”

Ronon grinned. “You’ve been in here less than a day. You’ll survive. You sound like Sheppard.”

“Yeah? Well, she let Sheppard run off to a hive ship with an injury bad enough to need surgery.”

“And you had a fit about it.” Ronon squeezed Evan’s shoulder. “She’s just doing her job. Give her a break.”

“I guess…” Evan closed his eyes. “I just don’t like being out of commission like this. I have a stack of paperwork, my team is on rotation for an off-world mission…”

“I get it,” Ronon said. “It’s a control thing.”

Evan made a face. “It’s not about control.”

“Sure it is. And there’s nothing wrong with that.” He paused for a moment, then stood up. “You need to relax . C’mere.” Leaning forward, Ronon wrapped his arms around Evan’s waist and helped pull him into a sitting position.

Once Evan was upright, Ronon slipped in behind him and started to knead at the sore muscles of Evan’s neck and shoulders. As Ronon found a sensitive spot between his shoulder blades, Evan let out a little moan. He seemed to remember Ronon telling him something about the how the massage had been a highly cultivated art on Sateda. Evan could believe it. The man could give a damn fine massage.

“That feels so good,” Evan murmured.

“Lean forward so I can get your lower back.”

Evan did as he was asked and closed his eyes as Ronon’s thumbs started to dig into the muscles just above his hips. “You know, I’m really not a control freak.”

“That doesn’t mean you like to give up control.”

“Hmm… We’re not just talking about me being stuck in the infirmary, are we?”

“I’m just talking.”

Arching an eyebrow, Evan leaned back into the touch. “Do you think I hold back from you?”

“’Course you do.” Ronon stopped the massage, wrapped his arms around Evan’s waist, and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “It’s all right. Melena used to say I did the same thing.”

Evan twisted his body so that he was facing Ronon. “I don’t mean to hold back. This is just… new, I guess. My career hasn’t exactly been conducive to long-term relationships.”

Ronon nodded. “It’s not a criticism. I’m just trying to learn how to read you.” They sat quietly for a moment, then Ronon finally spoke. “I need you to know something,” he said. “I had a normal life once, and I lost it to the Wraith. This connection between us is important to me.”

“It is to me, too,” Evan said. “More than you know.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

Evan licked his lips. “It’s the most normal thing in the world, you know? Two people gravitating toward each other, and… connecting. It’s almost too normal.”

“What are you talking about?”

Shaking his head, Evan grinned self-consciously. “I’ve forgotten how to do normal. I mean, if you had blue tentacles, and you were trying to take over the base, I could figure how to handle it. This? I’m working without a net. Scares the crap out of me.”

“If it helps, I’m technically an alien.”

“That does make you sexier.”

“Good to know,” Ronon said with a smirk. Pulling Evan into his arms, Ronon started to move in for a kiss.

Evan placed a hand on his chest. “Keller said to avoid my skin. I think she’s expecting me to turn into a plant or something.”

Pressing his lips against Evan’s cheek, Ronon whispered, “I’ll risk it.”

fic: stargate: atlantis, lorne and his dimples

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