Weekend, don't leave me!

Apr 17, 2011 21:56

I finally finished my federal taxes! I initially forgot to add in my standard deduction and almost had a fainting spell when I saw the amount I owed. You would NOT have wanted to be in the room with me about an hour ago, let me tell you. But I figured it out, and everything is fine now.

But I realized that I forgot to print off Ohio tax forms when I was out, and I have no ink in my printer. So if I can't find an Ohio tax form (I might've been sent one earlier), then I have to do it tomorrow and drag my ass to the Post Office. DO NOT WANT. I already figured them out, I just have to fill out the paperwork and stick them in the mail. Foiled by an inkless printer.

Also, on an unrelated note, THIS is going to rock.

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