Drabble: Precipice (Angel the Series, Lindsey-oriented, PG)

Mar 29, 2011 17:53

Title: Precipice
Characters: Lindsey
Word Count: 360
Summary: Lindsey/revenge = OTP
Author's Notes:This is a drabble I wrote for whiskyinmind over at leverageland. I want to expand it, but I'm not quite sure where I'm going with it yet. Any nudges in a particular direction would be appreciated.

Maybe it was an unhealthy obsession. But Lindsey figured he had a right to a little… passion where Angel was concerned. After all, the guy had cut off his off hand, had given him up to the Senior Partners, and then no sooner had he brought him back to the mortal world, had sent a flunky to put two slugs into his chest.

It was that last act of cowardice that pissed Lindsey off the most. He understood-expected-that Angel would try to kick him into the next life sooner or later. But dammit, sending Lorne to do Angel’s job was just dishonorable. It left a bad taste in Lindsey’s mouth.

A man’s end, how he shuffled off the mortal coil… that was an important matter. It was personal, intimate. Angel should have handled that himself. That moment should have been their precipice, their final face-off.

Honestly. What was this world coming to if a man couldn’t be taken down by his own arch nemesis?

It was these thoughts that plagued Lindsey as he paced back and forth along the dirty wood of the cabin that had been his home for these past few months.

He almost hadn’t taken the proper precautions before his mission with Lorne. Despite Eve’s concerns about his safety, Lindsey had been convinced that Angel respected their unique rapport with each other enough to treat him properly. It wasn’t until Spike had muttered a veiled warning that he had slipped a vest on underneath his shirt.

Why Spike had chosen to warn him, he didn’t care. Maybe he figured Lindsey kept life interesting, or maybe he just knew that Lindsey deserved a more fitting ending. Either way, he supposed he owed Spike for this one. But just a little.

Since his brush with death, Lindsey had been pacing and planning and plotting. He supposed he could do the prudent thing and get as far away from Angel and his minion as he could. It might lengthen his lifespan exponentially. Honor and dignity, though, compelled Lindsey to plan his next meeting with Angel.

They would have a proper showdown.

It was only a matter of time.

fic: angel

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