
Mar 12, 2011 11:15

I am currently finishing the revisions to the Kane RPS ghost story. I should have the whole thing up soon. So on to the planning of my angst_bingo line. I have most of the stories in the line buttoned up--I think for "cursed," I'm going to do some icons or art for Hurley and the lotto numbers--but I'm a little torn on PTSD. I did have a Lindsey McDonald idea, but I'm trying to save most Lindsey-centric stories for my whedonland Big Bang, since Lindsey is my theme.

The main problem I'm having with the PTSD story is that I wrote an Eliot-centric fic where he deals with PTSD in December. I don't want to beat the same drum over and over again. But there's a lot of material there... So... here's a poll. The muffin question has nothing to do with angst bingo, but it's important.

Poll PTSD Story?

angst bingo, writing, muffins!, eliot gets his own tag, poll

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