1. I seem to have gotten sick again. I never really got over my last cold/sinus thing, but last night, I noticed that my congestion was bad enough again that it is making sleep difficult. I'm having trouble just sitting at the computer right now and will probably nap in between checking on bingo games at Whedonland and Lost Land and making muffins. Damn. I can't make muffins, because I didn't buy milk. If I don't comment/respond to comments right away, I'm not ignoring you. I'm just coughing up a lung or curling up in a fetal position.
2. Probably because I'm sick, I'm having trouble writing anything. I'm just dragging so much. Don't be surprised if I write a sick!Chris hurt comfort story later today. I like to whump and comfort Chris and Eliot when I'm sick.
3. If you haven't signed up for
Leverage Exchange 2011 and were thinking about it, sign ups end March 10 (this coming Thursday). You don't have to be a writer. If you do art or make videos, you can sign up to do that, too. You should totally sign up! /peer pressure
3. You might also want to sign up for
Angst Bingo. Whump is fun. :D
5. I shall now soothe my scratchy throat with Sprite.