Fic: Fireplaces and Fluffy Blankets (Leverage, Nate/Eliot, PG)

Feb 16, 2011 23:16

Title: Fireplaces and Fluffy Blankets
Author: sheryden
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1479
Pairing: Nate/Eliot
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine. If it was, Eliot would be shirtless in half the episodes.
Summary: After Eliot comes back from a job wet and freezing, Nate cuddles him in front of a nice, toasty fireplace.
Notes: Written as part of my leverageland Big Bang. This is just a fluffy piece that I wrote to cheer myself up since I’ve been sick and have no Nate or Eliot here to cuddle me. ;)

The snow seemed to be pouring from the sky, sheathing the ground in heavy wet flakes. Nate was leaning against a windowsill in the inn where the team was staying. The establishment was owned by Sarah, their current client, a widow with salt-and-pepper hair who had taken to mothering the whole lot of them with baked goods and fluffy blankets.

The case itself had gone off without serious incident, and the scumbag who had been threatening Sarah’s inn had been run out of town. Still, Nate couldn’t shake the feeling that something had gone wrong right under his nose. Eliot had headed into town for some supplies and still wasn’t back. And now, the roads were becoming increasingly impassable. He knew Eliot could take care of himself, but even so, a gnawing feeling of anxiety nipped at the back of his mind.

Nate told himself that he would be sick with concern if any member of his team went MIA in the middle of a snowstorm-and he really would. But he couldn’t deny that Eliot had started to occupy a significant place in his life lately. Nate wasn’t sure that either of them were ready to call it love, but it was something, and it meant that Nate would be gripping the windowsill, white-knuckled, until he saw Eliot heading up the path toward the inn.

When he finally did see Eliot staggering out of the blinding snow, a flood of relief passed over him, and he hurried to the front door to greet his newly arrived teammate. But relief quickly turned to concern when he saw that Eliot was wet from head to foot and was shivering and moving a lot more slowly than normal.

Turning to Sarah, Nate said, “I’m gonna take him upstairs and get him warm. Could you get us some extra blankets?”

“Of course,” Sarah said. “I’ll bring ‘em up right quick.”

Nate nodded in gratitude, even as he placed a hand on Eliot’s lower back and started guiding him toward the stairs. “You scared the shit out of me, Eliot. I was about ready to get in a snowmobile and come after you myself.”

Eliot laughed, his breath hoarse and a little too labored for Nate’s liking. “That’d be a sight.”

Once they reached the room he and Eliot were sharing, Nate wrenched open the door and steered Eliot inside. It was a double room-each of them technically had a bed of their own, even though they slept together. They-well, Nate-had decided that it would be more comfortable that way, since they hadn’t gotten around to telling the team about their burgeoning relationship.

Once inside the room, Nate started peeling off Eliot’s cold, wet clothes, throwing them onto the floor in a heap. He guided Eliot into the bathroom, grabbed a soft, oversized cream-colored towel and started to rub Eliot’s hair and damp skin. “You doing all right?” Nate asked.

Eliot moaned in response and let his head fall onto Nate’s shoulder. He hugged his body against Nate’s, instinctively seeking out warmth.

After Eliot was toweled off, Nate helped him pull on some dry sweatpants, socks, and a hoodie, and wrapped him in one of the blankets Sarah had left on the bed.

“So,” Nate said. “What exactly happened?”

Eliot winced a little and let out a breath. “I got my ass kicked by a snowdrift.”

“A snowdrift?”

“Well, that and a 6’5” guy named Rocco.”

“The mark’s bodyguard. The one with the big neck?”

“That’s the one. He was heading out of town, saw me, and decided to throw down.” Eliot shivered suddenly and pulled the blanket tight around his body. “Fuck. I can’t get warm.”

Nate brushed a stray piece of hair out of Eliot’s eyes. “You want to go down and sit in front of the fireplace? Maybe we can get you some hot chocolate.”

Eliot nodded and stood unsteadily to his feet. “That sounds great.”

Looping his arm around Eliot’s waist, Nate guided him down the stairs and into the lounge. The room was cozy and rustic and featured a large stone fireplace that kept the room toasty warm. Nate sat down on the sofa in front of the fire and pulled Eliot down beside him. He took one of Eliot’s hands in his and rubbed it, trying to warm it with the friction from his own skin.

Hardison, who was sitting in an armchair and tapping away on his laptop, looked up when they walked into the room. “So how’s he doing?”

“How would you be doing?” Eliot groused.

“Well, he’s cranky,” Hardison muttered. “Can’t be doing that bad. Damn. Nate, the storm’s knocking out the internet.”

“You’ll survive.”

Groaning a little, Eliot scooted closer to Nate, plastering their bodies together and burrowing his head into Nate’s shoulder. “Mmm. Warm skin.”

“Yeah, you’re gonna warm up in no time,” Nate said. He rubbed his hand up and down Eliot’s blanket-covered back.

“You two need some privacy?” Hardison asked, shifting in his seat.

Nate shot a glare at Hardison. “Actually, you know what I need? Eliot’s frozen to the bone. Go ask Sarah for some hot chocolate.”

“Whipped cream,” Eliot mumbled.

Nate swallowed, thinking back to the last time he’d heard that gravelly voice utter the words “whipped cream.” Shaking off the memory, he flashed a nervous smile. “Eliot likes whipped cream in his hot chocolate,” he said.

“I don’t even want to know,” Hardison said. He practically jumped out of his chair and walked briskly toward the kitchen. “You want me to get him some soup or something, too?”

“No, just hot chocolate right now.”

As Hardison breezed out of the room, Parker wandered in and plunked herself down on the arm of the sofa. She gazed at Eliot, who was covered with a blanket and snuggling in Nate’s arms. “Eliot looks like he’s in a cocoon.”

“I’m trying to get him warm,” Nate said.

Parker reached out and touched Eliot on the face with the back of her hand. “It’s not working. He feels like a popsicle.”

“Getting shoved into a snowdrift by a 6’5” guy named Rocco will do that to you,” Eliot said weakly.

“I hope you thaw out soon, Eliot.” Parker patted him on the head and wandered back out of the room.

A few minutes later, Hardison brought a tray with hot chocolate and muffins. He sat it on the coffee table in front of Nate, muttered something about Nate and Eliot needing “to be alone,” then grabbed his laptop and headed up the stairs.

Nate pried himself free from Eliot’s grip long enough to grab the hot chocolate and hold it to Eliot’s lips so he could sip at it. “How’s that?”

“Mmm. It’s good.”

After Eliot drank most of the hot chocolate, Nate deposited the mug on the tray and pulled Eliot’s still shivering body close again. They sat there and just cuddled, and after a while, Nate noticed that Eliot’s eyes were tightly closed, and his head was slumped against Nate’s chest.

Despite the circumstances, Nate was grateful for the unexpected afternoon of quiet intimacy in front of the fireplace. It wasn’t often that they got to just hold each other and enjoy a little peace.

As they sat there snuggled together, Sophie slipped into the room. She gazed down at Eliot’s curled up form and whispered, “He’s doing all right?”

Nate nodded. “Yeah, he dropped off a few minutes ago.”

Sophie sat down in the armchair that Hardison had vacated earlier. “We’re going to be snowed in for a couple of days, I think.”

Nate felt Eliot squirm against him and nestle himself even deeper into the curves of Nate’s body. “Most likely,” Nate said. “Not that I’m complaining.”

“Well, I’m not really either. But Hardison without the internet won’t be a picnic. And Parker’s already bored.”

“I’m sure they can find something to amuse themselves.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Sophie said with a smile.

“Cold,” Eliot murmured. One of his hands crept across Nate’s leg and up his shirt, finally resting on the bare skin of Nate’s stomach.

Nate licked his lips, suddenly grateful that the heavy blanket was covering him, as well as Eliot. “Sophie, uh, would you mind asking Sarah for some soup or something?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Sure. Is he all right, though? If he’s still cold, he might have a fever.” She leaned over like she was about to feel Eliot’s forehead.

“He’s fine,” Nate said. “Just get him some soup and cocoa.”

“Coming up.” Sophie scooped up the tray from earlier and headed off toward the kitchen.

Hugging Eliot close to him, Nate whispered, “Eliot? Are you milking this?”

He felt Eliot smile against his neck. “A little. Do you mind?”

“Nah,” he said, planting a kiss on Eliot’s cheek. “If anyone needs some TLC, I guess it’s you.”

Master Fic List

fic: leverage, land comms rock

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