Fic: Neck Deep in Trouble (Leverage/SPN, PG-13)

Feb 06, 2011 21:55

Author: sheryden
Title: Neck Deep in Trouble
Fandoms: Supernatural and Leverage
Characters: Eliot Spencer and Dean Winchester
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 911
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Summary: Eliot Spencer comes to the aid of an old friend, Dean Winchester. Too bad Dean is always neck deep in trouble.
Author’s Notes: This was written for crossovers_las. Now that voting has finished, I’m free to post it.

Eliot Spencer skidded into the parking lot and slammed on his brakes. Throwing his truck into park, he popped open the driver’s side door and flung himself out onto the gravel. A few feet away, he saw Dean about to get his head taken off by something big and ugly and inhuman.

Dean Winchester. He was a good guy, but he seemed to turn up like a bad penny whenever Eliot least expected it. And when he did turn up, he was usually neck deep in trouble and ready to drag Eliot into it with him.

Breaking into a run, Eliot covered the ground from his car to Dean in seconds. He hurtled himself into the fray, trying his level best to knock Big and Ugly on its ass. “Dean,” he yelled, “get to the truck.”

Dean scooted away from the monster and struggled to his feet. “Don’t try to take it down,” he panted. “It’s too strong.”

Before Eliot had a chance to act on this advice, the monster’s clawed hand connected with his chest and sent him sailing across the parking lot. He landed with a thud next to his truck.

As he struggled to shake off the attack, Eliot felt a pair of hands drag him to his feet and shove him into the passenger side of the truck. Breathlessly, he pulled himself in the rest of the way and yanked the door shut. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dean climb in the other side and grip the steering wheel.

Coughing, Eliot hoisted himself into something resembling a sitting position. “Who said you could drive my truck?”

Dean smirked, as he sped out of the parking lot. “The monster did when he knocked you on your ass.”


A few minutes later, the pair pulled up in front of Dean’s motel room and dragged themselves inside

As he slammed the door shut, Eliot glared at Dean.. “What the hell was that thing?”

Dean shrugged and pulled off his jacket. “Beats me. Fugly, though.”

“What do you mean you don’t know, man? This is what you do.”

“That doesn’t mean I know every creepy crawly out there." Dean let his body lop back on the bed. "Sam’ll call when he figures it out.”

“That thing had fur and claws and teeth, man.” Eliot swallowed as he inwardly tried to gauge the severity of his injuries. “Was it a… werewolf?” He felt stupid saying it out loud. He didn’t even know if werewolves were real, but when Dean was around, anything was possible.

Shaking his head, Dean lowered himself down onto the nearest bed. “Nope,” he said. “It might’ve been some kind of shapeshifter or something. I don’t know.”

Eliot scowled in Dean’s direction, then gingerly, he pulled his t-shirt over his head, wincing as the movement caused pain to jolt through his shoulder and ribs. He tossed the shirt at Dean’s face and staggered into the bathroom to have a look at himself in the mirror.

What he saw wasn’t pretty. There were angry bruises starting to form on his chest, shoulder, and under his armpit. He was gonna be suffering tomorrow.

“Damn,” Dean said from the doorway. “I didn’t know you were hurt that bad.”

Eliot smirked. “This is nothing. I’ll just be stiff tomorrow.”

Dean leaned against the counter. “Thanks for the assist,” he said. “I wasn’t sure you’d come.”

“What? You think I’d leave your sorry ass to the… whatever it was?”

“Still, I appreciate the help.” He nodded at Eliot and backed out of the room.


When Eliot emerged from the bathroom, Dean was pacing back and forth, chatting on his cell. “No, Sammy,” he muttered. “No, I know. It was close, but I’m all right. No.”

Pulling out his own phone, Eliot hit Nate’s number and braced himself for the inevitable reaming out he was going to get for disappearing. The phone barely had time to ring before Nate’s voice burst from the other end of the line. “I hope you’re calling to tell me you’re down in the bar,” he said.

“Hey, Nate.” Eliot bit his bottom lip. “Look, I know you’re pissed.”

“Where the hell are you?”

“Old buddy of mine called and needed back-up. I didn't have time to let you know.”

“Eliot,” Nate said with a longsuffering breath. “You’re part of a team now.”

“I know, Nate. But I’m asking you to trust me here. He’s an old friend, and I’ll only be gone for a few days.”

“Is anyone dead?”


“Is the law involved?”


Nate was silent for a moment. “Do you need us to head your way?”

Eliot shook his head. “No,” he said. “I think we’ve got this one.”

“All right. But call if you need us.”

“I will.” Shoving the phone into his pocket, Eliot gazed up at Dean, who was standing a few feet away with a sloppy grin on his face.

“Did I get you into trouble?” Dean asked.

“No,” Eliot said with a grin. “We’re good. I don’t suppose Sam told you how to kill that thing?”

Dean shook his head. “Nope. We’re still working on giving it a name.”

“That’s great, Dean. So what do we do until then?”

Cocking his head, Dean shrugged. “Grab a couple of beers?”

“You gonna get us into a barroom brawl?”


Grabbing his t-shirt off the bed, Eliot gave Dean his best scowl. “There’s something wrong with you,” he said. “Let’s go.”

Master Fic List


fic: spn, fic: leverage

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