Fic: The Prohibition Job (Leverage, Gen, AU, PG)

Feb 02, 2011 19:59

Title: The Prohibition Job
Author: sheryden
Rating: PG
Word Count: 547
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine. If it was, Eliot would be shirtless in half the episodes.
Summary: 1920s AU. A glimpse into what it might be like if the Leverage team were working during the Prohibition era.
Notes: This was written for au_bingo for the prompt “Historical: 1920s"

Nate Ford and his team were in the back room of little corner store in the heart of Boston. Nate had known the owner, John McRory, since childhood. John had been his dad’s friend, but he tended to look the other way and pretend he had no idea what Nate and his crew were up to, and that made him all right in Nate’s book.

The table in the center of the room was strewn with papers and a map of Chicago. Nate was leaning against the table, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow. Eliot was pacing in the background and scowling at Parker, who was dancing the Charleston to music nobody but her could hear. Across the table, the team’s resident forger, Alec Hardison was hunched over putting the finishing touches on badges Nate and Eliot were planning to use for their latest caper. And Sophie… well, she was admiring the skirt she’d gotten for herself. If Nate wasn’t so busy, he might be admiring it, too.

Eliot plunked himself down into a hardback chair next to the wall and pulled out a wrinkled newspaper. “You almost done, Hardison?”

Hardison glanced up. “You can’t put a time limit on art, Eliot.”

Tapping his finger on the map, he called over his shoulder. “I think I’ve found an entry point for Parker,” he said.

Parker breezed over and stared down at the map. “Nate, can we go to the new Valentino film after the job is over?”

“Maybe. Do you think you could get in here?”

“Ab-so-lutely.” She flashed a grin, then went back to dancing.

“Sophie, while Parker is doing her bit, you’ll be-”

“Charming Collin Mason,” Sophie said with a yawn. “I know my job.”

“I know you do. I just wish we had more time to research this guy.”

“Blame the master researcher,” Eliot groused from behind his newspaper. “If he didn’t spend so much time inventing his little toys, we’d probably know Mason’s life story.”

Hardison glanced up from a stack of papers. “Baloney. Those little ‘toys’ will revolutionize our operation.”

“Focus people,” Nate said. “What do we know about Mason?”

“He’s supposed to be a master forger, but he’s no me.”

“How good is he?”

“Not as good as he thinks he is,” Hardison muttered. “But he’s got some talent. And he’s not the kind of guy to get goofy over the girl. Sophie has her work cut out for her.”

“I love a challenge,” Sophie said with a smirk.

Nate ran his fingers through his hair. “How are the badges coming?”

With a grin, Hardison gestured to a pair of blue, silver, and gold badges. “These are fine pieces of craftsmanship if I do say so myself. Now, the world will believe that you and Eliot are bonafide members of Prohibition Unit of the Internal Revenue Service. Congratulations.”

Eliot hurried over to the table and snatched up one of the badges, a ridiculous grin spreading across his face. The team had learned a long time ago that Eliot loved playing at law enforcement.

Glancing around the room at his team, Nate started to roll down his shirtsleeves. They were ready, and they had a job to do. “All right,” he said. “Let’s go steal us an Al Capone.”

bingo, fic: leverage

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