Mid-Morning Updatey Post

May 11, 2006 11:30

After only 2 and a half hours of sleep, I pulled myself out of bed to go our class review. I had my groovy denim jacket all ready to wear, but I looked outside and saw that it was pouring rain. So, I not only couldn't wear my groovy denim jacket (wet denim = uncomfortable), I had to unsuccessfully dodge raindrops on the way to the bus stop. Needless to say, I was waterlogged by the time I got the campus.

At least I had a full classroom. It was a pretty good review, and the students asked loads of questions. Of course, there was giggling over Watergate. You can't utter the phrase, "Deep Throat" in a room full of 18-year-olds and not expect giggling. Of course, I still giggle at the Uranus joke, so I empathize.

rl: teaching

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