Fic: The Sun is Broken (SG-1/Leverage Crossover, PG)

Jan 30, 2011 19:30

Title: The Sun is Broken
Author: sheryden
Fandoms: Leverage/Stargate: SG-1
Rating: PG
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Sam Carter, Eliot Spencer, Parker
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 970
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Neither belong to me. Which is actually kind of sad.
Summary: When an artifact goes missing, Daniel and Sam pay Eliot Spencer a visit
Notes: I wrote this for the Cockamamie Crossover Challenge at stargateland. As luck would have it, I got Leverage as my crossover fandom in a random draw! \o/ This is loosely a sequel to my earlier fic, Detained, but they can be read independently of each other.

“Eliot, I think the sun is broken.”

Looking over the top of the magazine he was reading, Eliot gazed at the deadly serious expression on Parker’s face. Once upon a time, he probably would have done a double-take over a statement like this, but it was Parker, and after being on a team with her for a while, he just wrote it off to her eccentricities. “There’s something wrong with you,” he said simply.

He went back to reading his magazine until Parker snatched it out of his hands. “No,” she said. “The sun is broken.”

It was a boiling hot day, Eliot would give her that. Still, leave it to Parker to find a secret conspiracy everywhere she looked. “Parker, it’s just hot out,” he said.

“You should look into this.”

Letting out a breath, Eliot stood to his feet and walked toward the door. If he couldn’t read in peace, maybe he could at least get a cold beer down at the bar. With Parker trailing after him, he strode into the hall and down the stairs to McRory’s. As he pushed open the door to the bar, though, what he saw made him stop short.

Chatting with Cora a few feet away were two familiar figures-Daniel Jackson and Samantha Carter. Damn, he thought. He bit his bottom lip and considered darting out the door. The last time Eliot and Parker had seen Daniel, it was across the table in a detainment room at Cheyenne Mountain. He wasn’t in the mood to relive the experience. Before he had the chance to grab Parker and make a getway, Parker pushed by him and hurried over to the newcomers.

She slipped up to the bar and stared directly at Daniel. “What are you doing here?”

Daniel gazed at her for a moment, then as recognition penetrated his mind, his lips formed a smile. “It’s good to see you again, Parker.” He turned to Sam. “She’s a friend of Eliot’s.”

Sam nodded and stuck out her hand. “It’s good to meet you, Miss…Parker?”

Eliot cussed under his breath and walked over to the others. “Just Parker,” he said. “And like she asked, why are you in Boston?”

Sam flashed a bright, genuine smile. “Eliot,” she said. “It’s good to see you. I’d heard you were doing well.” After a moment, her expression turned serious. “Can we talk somewhere?”

Turning to Parker, Eliot whispered, “I need to speak to these people alone. Okay?”

With a pout on her face, Parker walked to the far end of the bar. When she was out of earshot, Eliot turned to Sam and Daniel. “No one will bother us here,” he said. “Let’s get a table.”


Daniel watched as Parker disappeared into the throng of people in the bar. He wondered fleetingly what Eliot had told his team about his past with the Stargate Program. Daniel knew that there was always a risk that Eliot would tell his team everything, but short of locking them all up, little could be done. And maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if they learned the truth. They weren’t exactly the most savory group of people, but from what he’d read in their files, they’d been doing a lot of good the past few years.

He and Sam followed Eliot to a booth in a quiet corner of the bar. After they had taken their seats, the bartender walked over with three bottles of beer. “These are on the house. Anything else I can get you?”

Eliot shook his head and smiled warmly. “Thanks, Cora. This is just fine.” When he turned back to Sam and Daniel, his warm expression faded. “So talk.”

Daniel pushed a file toward Eliot and said in a hushed voice, “We just have a situation, and we need your services. There’s an object that’s gone missing. We were hoping you could get it back.”

“Is it one of theirs?”

Biting his lip, Daniel picked at the label on his beer bottle. When Eliot said “theirs,” Daniel knew he was referring to the Goa’uld. For a while, Eliot had been an unwilling host to a particularly nasty piece of work named Anu. Daniel could only imagine the scars the experience had left.

Daniel shook his head. “No, it’s of a different origin,” he said. “In any case, we need you to retrieve it for us.”

“Why would I do that?”

Sam took a sip of her beer and leaned closer to Eliot. “Because it’s of critical importance, Eliot. We’d get it back ourselves, but we’re… known quantities. We’d never be able to get close enough. We need your help.”

“What about my team?”

Shaking her head, Sam said, “They’re not cleared. I can’t authorize it.”

Eliot leaned back in his seat. “Would you run off on a secret mission without your team?”

Sam let out a breath. “It’s a simple retrieval. You’ll be back in no time.”

With a glare, Eliot snapped open the file and started rifling through the photos and pertinent information. “It looks like a tablet,” he said.

Daniel nodded. “Well, it sort of is, I guess. This particular artifact is of critical importance, Eliot.”


“Well,” Sam said quietly. “We believe the race that created it used it to, well, control the sun. It’s fallen into the wrong hands, and now-”

“The sun’s broken,” Eliot said matter-of-factly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Well, yeah,” Daniel said. “That’s one way of putting it. But if-”

Before Daniel had a chance to finish his thoughts, he heard an audible gasp from behind Eliot. Parker poked her head up, and she smacked Eliot on the shoulder. “I told you so,” she hissed.

Eliot flashed a guilty smile and slid the file back over to Daniel. “So when do we start?”

Master Fic List


fic: stargate: sg-1, fic: leverage

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