Do we need a subject line?

Jan 22, 2011 22:55

1. I called bingo on angst_bingo! Assuming that all is well with my fills... yay!

2. Today, I started watching White Collar. It's not bad. I can already tell I'll be a Pater fan, as well as a Mozzie fan. I'll let you all know what I think when I have more than two episodes under my belt.

3. I cleaned out my freezer today... let's just say it was time. D:

4. I am going through Leverage withdrawal. I can has new episodes? At least we should start getting filming reports (and Kane's gripes about the weather, lol) in a few weeks.

5. Tonight will be taco night, I think. I was between that and chili, but if I'm making chili, I want to let in cook in the crock pot, and--checks clock--that's not gonna happen tonight.

6. What's this? I'm doing more than five items on my list?

7. I've been getting the urge to do a Lost rewatch. I have my gripes with the series--mostly related to the misuse of Sayid. But overall, it's still a damn fine piece of television, and I think I want to experience it again now that I know how it all turns out. Plus, I have at least one Lost fic planned (leave it to me to find my OTP in the last episode of the series).

8. In family news, I ran into my aunt and cousin at the store today. I found out that my other aunt is having surgery for breast cancer. Yikes. D:

9. I'm over this winter thing. I had to sit in my car for twenty minutes just to get the door to latch shut before I go out today.

10. I'm listening to Emmylou Harris's "Green Pastures" right now, and it makes me miss the days of singing in the church choir and singing solos. I sang in school choruses and the show choir and did musicals and stuff all through school, too. So there's a fun fact you didn't know about me!

hot guys, music, tv: lost, tv: white collar, bingo, tv: leverage, cooking, i like lists, mad productivity

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