Fic: Small Talk (Stargate: SG-1/Warehouse-13, Gen, G)

Jan 13, 2011 00:36

Title: Small Talk
Author: sheryden
Fandoms: Stargate: SG-1 and Warehouse 13
Characters: Teal'c, Claudia, and a brief cameo by Daniel
Rating: G
Word Count: 624
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine. I'm just having fun with them.
Summary: Teal'c and Claudia run into each other in a coffee shop.
Notes: Written for crossovers_las. Now that voting has ending, I'm allowed to post it here. :)

Claudia Donovan pushed open the door to the coffee shop and felt her heart sink when she saw the lengthy line leading up to the counter. “Of course they’d be packed,” she muttered to herself.

She glanced down helplessly at the scribbled list of pastries and beverages she held in her hand. If it was just for her, she’d be so out the door; but Pete and Myka were busy and overworked and cranky, and she wasn’t about to be the person to deny them caffeine.

Plus, she was just glad she’d been able to invite herself along on this particular mission and wasn’t stuck back at the warehouse with Artie and the stack of chores he had waiting for her. Letting out a resigned breath, she slipped into the line behind a tall, imposing man who appeared to be completely unbothered by the wait.

“Boy,” she said to the man. “Long line, huh?”

The man glanced down at her as if he’d just noticed her presence. “Indeed,” he said. His voice was deep and rich, and the gentle smile that was settled on his face didn’t seem to match up with his muscular stature.

“I’m Claudia,” she said. “Or you can call me Errand Girl, because that’s role I’m playing today. Not that I’m usually not the lackey. This is actually kind of typical.”

The man arched an eyebrow, but the smile remained fixed to his features. “I am Teal’c.”

“Cool.” She glanced behind her as two more hapless coffee-seekers wandered into the shop. “Guess this must be the best coffee ever,” she said to Teal’c. “You know. Since it’s such a long line.”

Teal’c didn’t answer her other than to smile again and bow his head slightly. He reminded Claudia a little of one of those mannequins she’d see whenever she dragged herself to the mall.

After a few minutes, she glanced at the clock, wondering if time might have stopped the moment she entered the coffee shop. She was pretty sure the line hadn’t moved an inch since she’d arrived. Letting out a loud breath, she said, “So, Teal’c. You from around here?”

Teal’c clasped his hands loosely behind his back. “I am not.”

“Me neither,” she said a little more enthusiastically than she had intended. “I’m here on business. Just to let you know, I’m probably gonna ramble a lot, ‘cause I haven’t slept all night.”

“I see. That is unfortunate.”

Claudia narrowed her eyes and wondered if Teal’c was sympathizing with her about her lack of sleep or telling her to shut up. She was silent for about fifteen seconds, then she tapped the list she held in her hands. “Seriously,” she said. “Who orders the largest double latte known to man but asks for no cream? The cream is the best part.”

Cocking his head at her, Teal’c nodded, “Indeed.”

“I mean, if she’s trying to watch her figure or whatever, she needs to lay off the donuts and cream sticks.”

Teal’c gazed at her but didn’t answer. Instead, he turned his body away from Claudia until it was facing the front of the room.

About then, a harried-looking man with glasses and an arm full of books pushed through the crowed and stopped beside Teal’c. A bit out of breath, he asked, “You still waiting?”

Teal’c nodded at the newcomer with the same pleasant smile he had used on Claudia. “It appears so, DanielJackson.”

“Well, we need to get back. We have a briefing. Your apple fritter is going to have to wait.”

Quietly, Teal’c stepped out of line and motioned for Claudia to move forward. Nodding at her, he followed his friend out the door.

Practically leaping ahead two inches into the spot vacated by Teal’c, she called over her shoulder. “Nice talking to you!”

Master Fic List


fic: stargate: sg-1, fic: warehouse 13

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