King Bingo idea?

Dec 26, 2010 20:03


So I think I'm going to try and black out my card for kissbingo. It's due by January 31st, and I've already got a pretty good start on it. I can probably knock it out during break. The only one that still has me puzzling is "experimental: shotgun."

The mod posted this definition:

"As in smoking herbal substance; to inhale from a pipe or other smoking device, followed shortly by an exhalation into someone else's mouth. This term was developed by troops in Vietnam, who actually would put a marijuana cigarette into the open chamber of an unloaded shotgun and blow it into eachother's faces. An example of this can be seen in the movie "Platoon"."

I can't come up with anything that suits me. A couple of people have suggested that I do something with Lorne and Ronon (as in connect with some kind of cultural thing), and that might be what I'll wind up doing. But my muse isn't loving the idea, and I'm looking for other options. Other ideas? I'm writing or considering writing the following fandoms:

Kane RPS
Angel the Series
Star Trek (2009)

Keep in mind that my fill doesn't have to be a fic. I can do one of the following:

fic - 500 words
meta - 1000 words
art - medium sized
icons - set of 10
rec post - 10 recs
podfic - 500 word fic
picspam - 20 pics
vids - 30 seconds
mix - 10 songs



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