List of thinkies

Nov 20, 2010 15:24

1. Ugh. They still haven't posted my xover_exchange fic. I got the damn thing in on time, and it's going to wind up being one of the last ones to go up. Figures.

2. Went to see Harry Potter this afternoon. I liked it a lot. There were a few things I was unsatisfied with, but for the most part, I really think they did a wonderful job. Of course, Deathly Hallows is my least favorite book of the entire series, so I'm bound to find faults. But those Weasley boys? Rawr. And I never thought I'd say that.

3. Now that I have placed my order for The House Rules, I am even more excited for its release! I had to pass on the VIP package, because I'm sinking a lot of money into grad school applications in the next two months, and we have a non-working Christmas break coming up. Yeah, I'm a responsible sap. Still, though... I am SO excited to get my grabby hands on this CD!

4. Supernatural was hysterical last night. I might post a better commentary on both that and the film later on, but right now, I'm long overdue for lunch.

5. Also, the best thing about my taking the GRE when I'm taking it? It'll be over before Leverage comes back on.

6. And OMG! The preview for Green Lantern was on at the theater today. It looks pretty good, but from the previews, it looks like they're skewing the characterization of Hal Jordan a bit and making him act a little more Kyle Raynor-like. Just my take on the preview. Still looks good though.

music, comics, tv: supernatural, fandom: harry potter, movies, actor: christian kane, tv: leverage

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