
Oct 31, 2010 12:22

I went to Target to stock up on supplies for tonight's Halloween festivities. As I'm sitting in the parking lot, I notice that some chick in a relatively new-looking minivan has pulled into the parking space between me and a much larger van. But she managed to pull in kind of sideways, so that the corner of the nose of her car was against the side of mine. Then, she proceeded to fling her door open and slam her door into my passenger side. And she didn't even acknowledge that she'd hit me before she got into her car and sped off.

After I left Target, I pulled into my parking lot, and some dumbass started to back out of his parking space without bothering to look and almost slammed into me. I saw him in time and was able to stop. He just looked at me like a guppy staring out of a fishbowl.
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