
Oct 01, 2010 01:48

* Two of my drabbles placed in land comm challenges--one Leverage and one Charmed. I might post both when I'm feeling better.

* I'm not ignoring people's comments. Honestly. I've been sick the past couple of days, and I simply haven't felt "with it" enough to answer comments or post anything shiny. I do have some in-progress fic that will hopefully go up this weekend of next week.

* I'm getting excited for the return of Sanctuary. And Tesla. &hearts I hope we get lots of backstory featuring him and Helen and the others this season.

* Still working on my Big Bang for scifiland. I'm doing a Sheppard/Lorne fic for part of it, and the rest will be picspams, I think.

* I'm totally excited for the debut of CK's "House Rules" video on CMT. Everyone be sure to watch for it if you have CMT!

music, land comms rock, tv: charmed, tv: leverage, writing, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: sanctuary, actor: christian kane

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