Sleep paralysis and other assorted thinkies

Sep 19, 2010 03:03

Have any of you ever had sleep paralysis? Where you're semi-conscious, but you're not fully awake, either? You can't move, no matter how much you try to will your body to do so. It's scary as shit. My aunt and I have both experienced it. I usually get it when I'm overly tired and fall asleep on my back. Last night, I accidentally fell asleep on my back, and I experienced sleep paralysis. I've had it enough to know what's going on, and I can usually keep myself calm enough to wake the rest of the way up. But last night, it was weird. I felt myself lift up in the air and rotate around--like I had been lifted above my bed. I knew it wasn't really happening, but it was fucking disorienting and scary. I finally got myself awake, rolled over, and fell back asleep, but still. Yikes.

I finally caught the last two episodes of Merlin, and they were amazing. I forget how much I love that show until I start watching it again. My love for Bradley James continues. I have a craving to write fic for it, as well as read fic. I have some stories saved by an author in the fandom who I like, so I might do some reading tomorrow.

I've decided that I will give Supernatural another shot when it returns. I made the mistake of watching the previews, and let's just say they appealed to one of my kinks. It involves Dean and an article of clothing he was wearing. :o

I am already missing Leverage. The next episodes are so far away. *cries* I must listen to copious amounts of Christian Kane music and write copious amounts of fic to survive.


writing, music, tv: merlin, tv: supernatural, actor: christian kane, tv: leverage, real life

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