Fandom To-Do List

Sep 09, 2010 23:01

Working on a Leverage AU. So far, I kind of like it. :D

I have quite a few fics/fandom projects I want to work on over the next week:
  • Finish the Leverage AU I'm working on. It'll go for hc_bingo and au_bingo. It's Nate/Eliot.

  • Work on the Big Bang for scifiland. I think my theme will be classic sci-fi. I'm thinking about a mix of stuff based on V (the original), Star Trek (TOS, TNG, and DS9). I wouldn't mind doing part of it on classic Doctor Who, but I don't have the DVDs.
  • Finish a line of schmoop_bingo and ask for a brand new card. I'm not connecting with most of the prompts on mine. I have a Leverage fic to finish, and I want to do a picspam for someone, probably Will Riker and Deanna Troi.
  • Do some kind of art or icons for the "having wings" square on angst_bingo. Then finish a Leverage fic for the same line.
  • Finish a line of kissbingo (though I'm going for a blackout). One will be a Nate/Eliot first kiss story. I've been trying to do a get-together fic for a while, but their issues keep getting in the way, lol.
  • Also, I'll be pimping this offically later, but I've joined another land comm. :D This one is fantasyverse. I'm part of Team Wizard. I'm hoping this will encourage me to wade further into the waters of the Merlin fandom. I've been jonesing to write Merlin/Arthur.
  • Binge on Bones DVDs. Okay, that's not exactly a project, but I need to veg. I'm so glad I got both the first and second season.

writing, bingo, tv: v: the miniseries, tv: star trek, tv: doctor who, tv: leverage

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