Eureka: Stoned (spoilers)

Aug 20, 2010 22:20

* First of all, I saw the Zane thing coming a mile away. I don't think he'll be all that into Zoe, but he's not gonna turn down a date with a pretty girl.

* The stuff with Dr. Grant is starting to concern me. D:

* D'aw. I loved the stuff with Henry and Grace. Love that he went to Fargo for advice (and mad DJ skillz).

* FINALLY! I was afraid they were going to waffle with Carter and Allison, but they delivered. I squeed when he grabbed her and kissed her. One of the things I like about the way the writers handled things tonight is that they had Carter and Allison actually talk to each other honestly and not rest in innuendo or whatever. And Collin Ferguson was deliciously nervous and exposed during all of this.

* So basically, the only major character who isn't getting laid or at least dating is Jo. Even S.A.R.A.H. has a love life, and at least Fargo got to lock lips with Claudia. I guess there's always Larry.

tv: eureka

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