Leverage: The Underground Job (spoilers)

Aug 15, 2010 23:33

Okay, I'm little late with this commentary, but I was chatting with the peeps in the Nate/Eliot chatroom and got distracted.

Okay, first of all, my family is from West Virginia, so it was cool to see an episode set there. I liked the client a lot--seemed like a good and decent guy. I like that Eliot was at the client meeting this team. And I need to get this out of the way--ELIOT WITH FACIAL HAIR!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! &hearts And Nate was dead sexy in the jacket.

The team briefing was love. Yay for "The Studio Job" continuity with Parker's "Is Eliot gonna be the fiddle again? Can I be the fiddle?"

Okay, so I loved Eliot going undercover as a miner, and I loved the rapport he formed with Cory. Eliot as a protective big brother was adorable. "Why are you in school?" D'aww. I have to wonder if he might identify with Cory a bit. Perhaps he lost his father while young, too? I don't know. Either way, it was a nice dynamic. Eliot really is developing a soft heart.

Nate pulled out old Bob Gibson again! \o/ Yay for returning past identities. Two in two weeks.

Parker was lovably Parker this episode. I'm enjoying the Parker and Sophie bond--Sophie teaching Parker how to grift was just adorable. And Parker's having no concept of what normal people might find weird = &hearts

There were great character interaction moments all over the place--Eliot/Hardison (lighten up, boys), Nate/Eliot, Parker/Sophie. And wow, Nate. Tell Sophie how you really feel. The look on her face after the "greedy bitch" line. :o I agree with those who said they'd have slapped him, lol.

I love that the episode ended on Nate/Eliot. I ship all manner of things in this show, but Nate/Eliot is my OTP, and it's good to see them interacting. They have such great body language and facial expression when they're together.

Overall, great episode. Hopefully, I'll be rewatching it in a half an hour.

eliot gets his own tag, tv: leverage

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