I love how quickly
Joe Flanigan is attracting legions of followers on Twitter. &hearts
Since we're on the subject of Twitter, and since I have new friends on my flist... I'm
sheryden on Twitter. (Creative, I know.) If you want to follow me, feel free! If you have a drastically different name there than you do here, though, you might want to drop me a line to let me know who you are, so I know who I'm adding. :D Just be warned... I tweet a lot.
I need to finish a Nate/Eliot fic I've been working on. I was far too tired yesterday to get any work done on it. I may, at some point, ask someone to give it a look through.
Speaking of Leverage, I'm still bouncing off the walls about Season 4! I didn't expect news so early, but it's a relief knowing that we have new episodes to look forward to next year!
Also, we're having a writing challenge over at
stargateland, and I've claimed a prompt for Daniel Jackson! It has been SO LONG since I've written Daniel. I hope I haven't hung myself with this one, lol. I almost claimed John, Lorne, or Cam, but I had an immediate Daniel idea. We'll see how this goes. :D
I'm toying with having a marathon of slasher films this evening before Eureka comes on. I haven't done that in a while, but I was chatting about horror films with someone over at
caperland, and now I'm in the mood to pull out the DVDs.