So I started this Nate/Eliot fic that was supposed to be an answer to the prompt "torture" (making the torture something light and amusing rather than actual torture). But it's morphed into Nate and Eliot being cute and annoying everyone around them with The Cute. :D Perhaps it can answer a
kissbingo prompt
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Comments 9
LOL. The Cute being annoying is always amusing!
I'm iconing the studio job (or attempting to. I wanna make animated icons but can't find a background that I like. I've made like, fourteen and deleted all but one. *is anal) and apparently getting my graphics muse back. If you give me an idea of what you want, I can try and make one for you.
Ooh, you would be my hero if you did! I'd love it to be a side shot of Eliot with the guitar (like the one in your icon, for example).
Also, thoughts on my icon? *points* I think that might be the layout/default or whatever I wanna use for my animated icons, but I'm not sure yet.
If you'd like to do a user info banner, that would be awesome, but only if you have the time or desire to do so. I don't want to pile a bunch of work on you. :)
And your icon...I like it. Yeah, I think that would be a good one!
I'm starting to think it's time to redo my lj layout too. I try to make graphics but other people are much more talented. Hope you find a great header soon.
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