I like lists.

Jul 21, 2010 20:20

1. I got a summons for jury duty--it's actually at my aunt's house. I have to go get it tomorrow. It seems kind of weird that they'd send it there, considering I haven't lived there in a year and a half. I have no idea what to expect, but I'm a little concerned about the timing. Classes start in a month, and I can't exactly be absent from my own class. It's not like high school, where you can get a substitute for a week.

2. I bought a new vacuum cleaner. \o/ I am so excited, because it actually picks stuff up off the floor! I went with a bagless vacuum. Thanks for everyone who gave me info or voted.

3. I also bought a copy of Secondhand Lions. I've been wanting to buy it, so when I saw it for 5 bucks, I was pretty excited.

4. My plans for the night include Ghost Hunters International and writing.

5. I still have to figure out what I'm doing for Jessica's party. It's in a few days, and I need to come up with an appetizer, or I could just bring a beverage.

rl: update, tv: ghi, writing, rl: shopping, movies, actor: christian kane

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