Whining, PhD angst, beta request, muffins

Jul 16, 2010 18:50

1. That picspam I was planning to do still hasn't happened. I'm just too sick, hot, and miserable.

2. I am, however, thinking of amusing myself by posting a poll of some sort. So there is ticky incoming sometime late tonight. I don't know what it's going to be yet. Maybe I should poll to decide what to poll, lol.

3. Did I mention I'm hot and sick? Crud. I still have to work tonight, and I am dragging around like a zombie. Summer colds suck.

4. Listening to Christian Kane is helping somewhat, and it is making me excited for Sunday. I hope I am feeling better by Sunday so I can enjoy Leverage properly.

5. Would someone theoretically be willing to look at a Hardison/Eliot high AU for me? I hardly ever have anyone look at my fics, mostly because no one ever takes me up on it when I ask. But... since I'm sick, I'm not seeing straight, and I'd like to have another set of eyes look it over before I post it. If you're willing, comment or PM me. Or tweet at me. That would work, too.

6. I am in minor freak-out mode about applying to grad school later this year. There is just so much to worry about--if I get into a school that is a good distance away, it's going to cost a mint to move everything. And what if I don't get in? And what writing sample should I send? A friend was kind of talking me down from the ledge yesterday. He's about to start his PhD program, and I talked him down from the ledge several times last year. He owes me, lol. But seriously, I've been through this before. I don't know why I'm angsting.

7. I really want to make some chocolate muffins. Muffins are good for colds right? Right? RIGHT?!

8. My subject lines are so boring.

question, tv: leverage, rl: phd, rl: health, muffins!, i like lists, rl: eek what now?, actor: christian kane

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