Health, Leverage, The A-Team, Amusing Videos

Jul 16, 2010 04:02

I'm feeling pretty cruddy. I think I got sick from a combination of not eating properly, one of my students being sick, one of my friends being sick, and the a/c at work blowing in my face. In any case, I'm scratchy-throated, and I feel really run down. I think I've been trying to get sick for a few days, but it only hit me last night.

I'm taking DayQuil. Hopefully, I'll shake it off soon. I have exams to grade and fic to write. Plus, one of my colleagues' partners is throwing him a pool party for his birthday next week. Being sick sucks. I had to give up any prospect of getting two fics written for land comm challenges. I feel like I'm letting my teams down. :/ I did get the fanmix done for scifiland though.

Also, can it be Sunday already? I am SO looking forward to Leverage! And a certain episode I've been waiting to see!

Also! The A-Team is at the Dollar Theater! Is it worth it? Should I go see it? Will it ruin my childhood memories? I've heard not-bad things about the film, but I grew up watching The A-Team.

These videos amuses me more than they should:

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videos, rl: health, tv: torchwood, tv: doctor who, movies, tv: leverage

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