Warehouse 13 (2.02), spoilers

Jul 14, 2010 00:10

* It was fun seeing Sean and Jewel together again--Jewel didn't irritate me in this. Maybe she's finally shaken free of the Keller taint. Sean was fun to watch as Sheldon/The Iron Shadow.

* Glad Claudia and Leena finally worked things out, because Claudia was starting to irritate me. It's not like it was Leena's fault that she did what she did. I wonder what's going on with her now.

* Loved Pete geeking out a superhero! I am SO tempted to write a Leverage/Warehouse 13 crossover fic, just so Pete and Alec can geek out together. I KNEW Myka was going to get him that comic book! They were so cute curled up on Pete's bed reading the comic. Awww. And LOL at "with great power comes great responsibility."

* Aw, Artie. You know, it's kind of hard not to see slashy undertones between James and Artie when Artie starts talking about the warehouse being their house and how James was his partner and how he wanted him back.

* I loved last season, but I think this season is actually better (which is a good thing).

tv: warehouse 13

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