Writing, insomnia, Doctor Who

Jun 29, 2010 19:13

1. I've started on my second square for hc_bingo. I'm going with the Leverage fic (about Hardison and Lucille). I think it might be a little cracktastic. I don't know, lol. It might also wind up being Eliot/Hardison, which I've never written.

2. I'm saving the Lorne idea for Summer of Lorne. I am looking forward to doing something for Summer of Lorne, as I haven't written SGA in a while. Plus, dimples, you know? Is anyone else going to participate? So far, it looks like there are going to be some great prompts. I've already got my eye on one. And EEE! I want to cross Lorne/SGA over with Leverage or Warehouse 13!

3. I didn't sleep well at all last night. I took a melatonin, but the insomnia is still kicking my ass. I was up every few minutes trying to tire myself out or stretch my legs (which seemed to be twitchy).

4. I'm still woefully behind on Doctor Who, but thus far, I love the episodes I've seen. It has been most difficult to not click onto reviews I see on my flist. I'm enjoying the dynamic between Eleven and Amy. Please don't spoil me, though, because like I said, I'm behind and trying to catch up on the episodes I've missed.

5. We're getting close to the new season of Warehouse 13! \o/

rl: insomnia, writing, bingo, i like lists, tv: doctor who, tv: warehouse 13

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