Leverage 3.03 and 3.04

Jun 27, 2010 23:12

Okay, this commentary is from my first watch through. I usually don't post a commentary until I've had a second go-around. If it doesn't make sense, it's because I was typing as I watched.

The Inside Job

* But... the kitchen is Eliot's domain. It's bad enough that he's bound to get lost amongst this couple crap the writers seem to want to push this season. Don't take the kitchen away from him, too! D:

* I do love the Nate/Sophie chemistry, though. I don't think they'd work as a long-term couple, but the chase is fun to watch.

* Bunny! Parker's place is surreal and very Parker. I liked Eliot's comment that it was "exactly what I expected." I like how he just kind of accepts her.

* Love the shout out to the old Avengers series.

* Yay! Eliot gets to hit someone! \o/ I love how he waited for Nate to give him a little nod, and I love how Nate just went on chatting with Archie like nothing was going on behind him.

* Archie is kind of pissing me off. I hope Eliot gets an excuse to bust him in the face. Seriously, "she doesn't fit in anywhere?" Grr.

* I think I kind of have a thing for Parker in glasses.

* "Kiddo?" "Sir?" Jealous Nate ftw.

* Aw, Parker wanted to save Archie's "real" family.. It kills me that not only did Archie not give Parker a real family when he had the chance but also that Parker knows and accepts that.

* Parker's two dads are arguing, lol.

* "This is what we do." ILU, Parker.

* "I ain't riding one of those things." LOL!

* "What's sexting?" "I'm not having this conversation with you, Parker." I love it when Parker and Eliot pair off during jobs.

* Aw, Parker.

The Scheherazade Job

* Eliot/Hardison banter ftw.

* I like this policy of having the different team members come on client meets.

* Oh, her again. I am not liking this Italian woman, and yes, I know we're probably not supposed to like her. But grr.

* Hardison played the violin? I can just see him backstage in a little bow tie, his Nana fussing at him to sit up straight. :)

* Super-Skrull, lol. I love Hardison's geek talk.

* Always relying on Eliot to bust heads. He didn't seem too thrilled when Nate said Eliot could handle the guards. I wonder if that was intentional/will be revisited at some point. I kind of hope so, because four episodes in, and Eliot seems to have been relegated to just being the muscle.

* I definitely have a thing for Eliot in glasses.

* I liked that little bit between Eliot and the client at the end. It was a nice touch and a reminder that Eliot has experienced a lot of the muck out there in the world. The idea of cleaning it all up probably seems overwhelming to him.

* Hypnosis! I love it, lol! Nate is so bad. &hearts But at least we know that Hardison could play at one time, right?

tv: leverage

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