Ship Meme

Jun 06, 2010 20:12

Because I'm bored and procrastinating, here's a meme:

1) Make a list of 10-20 of your fandoms.
2) Have your friends guess your favorite ships from those fandoms.
3) When the ships have been guessed, strike out the fandom and write the ship name.

I have clear favorites for all of these, though I multi-ship for most of them. I'm surprised to realize that I actually do have a ship now for SGU, so I'm including that.

1. Leverage Nate/Eliot
2. SGA McKay/Sheppard
3. SG-1 Jack/Daniel
4. Star Trek Kirk/McCoy
5. Star Wars Han/Leia
6. BtVS Spike/Buffy
7. Lost Sawyer/Juliet
8. Angel Angel/Lindsey
9. Firefly Wash/Zoe
10. Charmed Piper/Leo
11. Friends Chandler/Monica
12. X-Men Scott and Jean
13. Farscape Aeryn/Crichton
14. Torchwood Jack/Ianto
15. SGU Young/Rush
16. Warehouse 13 Pete/Myka
17. Sherlock Holmes Holmes/Watson
18. Harry Potter Remus/Sirius
19. Iron Man Tony/Pepper
20. Sanctuary Helen/Nikola


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