Someone over at
comment_fic keeps posting AU fics for "The Runway Job." This is making me very happy, in spite of the rain. Seriously, Tim Hutton rocked Jacques's glasses and fingerless gloves in that one. And "Julian, sweetheart." :D They begged to live on in fic.
I'm thinking of seeing The Losers over at the dollar theater this weekend. I've heard a lot of squee about it, so I figure I'd better see what all the ruckus is about. :D
Now to get on with the 30-day meme before the storms they're predicting for this evening sweep in.
Day 06 - Favorite made for TV movie
Sarah Plain and Tall, starring Glenn Close and Christopher Walken. It's sappy and enjoyable, and everything one expects from a Hallmark Movie. The whole series is actually pretty good, but the first one is the best one.
Day 07 - The most surprising plot twist or ending
There are two--The Sixth Sense and The Others. I still remember seeing The Sixth Sense with my cousin. We were lucky enough to see it when it first came out and were thus unspoiled. When the big twist came at the end, we kind of looked at each other and were dumbstruck. o_O I'm pretty jaded, so that doesn't happen very often. It's still one of my favorite movies, even though I know what's coming now.
The Others is another movie that genuinely surprised me. I don't know how I avoided spoilers, because I think I saw it on DVD. Without spoiling the ending for those who haven't seen it, I'll just say that it was one of the most satisfying endings I had seen in a while.
Day 08 - A movie that you’ve seen countless times
There are a bunch of films that I've seen a plethora of times, but how about Scream? I'm a fan of horror films (when they are well done and not just there for the gore factor), and Scream is just a lot of fun. It has a wonderfully eccentric cast of characters, and it plays with the conventions horror genre, even to the point of being self-aware at times. It's up there with the original Halloween for me.
Day 09 - A movie with the best soundtrack
Grease! Seriously, I have multiple copies of this one. &hearts
And these pics of
RDJ in a comic book shop buying Avengers comics (homework, lol) make me smile.