Storms, writing, EW's 20 greatest sci-fi characters, and ice cream

Jun 02, 2010 23:32

1. The storm has been keeping me off the internet most of the day. I'm paranoid about my computer getting struck by lightning, because that actually happened a about a year or so ago. Fried my mother board, and I had to buy a new computer.

2. The storm also thwarted my desire to get some laundry done this afternoon. I have to do my laundry in a separate building, and I didn't see much point in carrying nice, clean dry, laundry out into the pouring rain.

3. But I got some work done on my Leverage fic. \o/ I'm still not entirely happy with it, but at least it's coming along now. I think my main issue is that I feel like I'm spending too much time in one of the characters' heads, and I'm used to the immediacy of dialogue. It's due June 12th, so I have time to smooth out the kinks.

4. So apparently, Entertainment Weekly thinks these are the 20 Greatest Sci-fi/Fantasy Characters of the Past 20 Years. They're apparently part of a bigger list of characters of all genres who "made a lasting impact in the culture after 1990." What the heck does that even mean? Sounds a bit vague, if you ask me. The entire list is crap, but let's just think about the sci-fi/fantasy characters. Agree? Disagree? Who's missing? Personally, I would've thrown up in my mouth a little when I read the list had I not been eating butter pecan ice cream (nom). A few of them I would agree with, sure. But most of the list? It's WTF territory. Seriously... no Jean-Luc Picard? No Data? No O'Neill? And I can think of a bunch more they missed.

5. Still hunting for good icons. I'm having trouble finding new Firefly ones I like. I may have to dig out some of my old ones. The old one of Jayne, at least.

rl: weather, tv: firefly, sci-fi, writing, tv: leverage

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