Comic Book Movie News Post

May 29, 2010 21:42

1. Well, it's still not an "official confirmation" per se, but it seems likely at this point: Joss Whedon has Tentatively Agreed to Direct the Avengers (I'm talking about the comic book here--Iron Man, Captain America, and company). I've made no secret that I think this news is fabulous. I get why some people are skeptical, but I think it bodes well for the film. What does everyone else think? Jon Favreau (Iron Man) seems to like the idea. I think the main thing is that the directors for all the solo movies and Whedon are all thinking about the bigger picture--the Avengers film itself. I need to know that Favreau's Tony Stark and Whedon's Tony Stark will act and sound like the same guy.

2. For those who are waiting anxiously for DC Comic movie news, well... we know they're being planned. That's about it. It's looking pretty good for The Flash (in addition to the next Batman and Superman films) and pretty ambiguous about others. My biggest question is whether they'll go with Barry Allen or Wally West. Growing up, Barry was my Flash. Until I discovered Wally West. So I don't know. I think I'd prefer Wally.

3. Still no trailer or additional photos for Thor. Just the one I posted a while back of Chris Hemsworth in his costume. Chris Hemsworth's interviews are adorable, though. He seems so excited to be playing a superhero.

4. In case casting news is a spoiler James MacAvoy Makes Professor X Sexy is the first bit of casting news for X-Men: First Class. This news pleases me. Even if the movie sucks, I can stare at him for two hours without hardship.

i should have a whedon tag, actor: chris hemsworth, movies: comics

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