Lost: The End (spoilers)

May 23, 2010 23:53

Leave it to the finale to leave me with more questions, lol.

1. What happened to Frank, Richard, Miles, Sawyer, Claire, and Kate once they got off the island? Did Richard live a normal life (as the gray hair implies)?

2. Did Bernard and Rose ever have Hurley and Ben over for papaya and conversation?

3. How did Hurley and #2 (hee, ILU, Ben) run the island?

4. Did Hurley jaunt around touching people?

5. Why is Frank so cool?

6. Is Charlotte presumably not ready to leave or whatever, and that's why there was no AHA moment when she saw Daniel (even though he had an AHA moment)?

7. Are Richard, Frank, and Miles still presumably alive, since Miles had no AHA moment and Frank and Richard weren't there?

8. How did Frank, Miles, and Claire explain turning up with two long-thought-dead survivors of Flight Oceanic 815 and a mysterious Spanish guy with nice eyelashes?

9. What is MIB's name?!?!

10. Why weren't Alex and Danielle in the church? They were certainly dead, and it didn't seem to be an 815-only party, since Des and Penny were there.

11. Did Hurley live in the foot???

Still, I like how it all wrapped up. Almost everyone got resolution, though I'm assuming by their absence or lack of AHA moments (see above) that some of them haven't died yet. Granted, part of me wanted to know exactly what kind of a life the survivors had after the island, and what kind of dynamic duo Ben and Hurley made, but I guess the plane flying over Jack's head and the post-death exchange between Hurley and Ben was enough to at least imply that all went well.

Some of my favorite moments:

* Shannon and Sayid finding each other

* James and Juliet finding each other

* Charlie and Claire finding each other

* Ben saving Hurley from the tree branch

* Hurley asking Ben to be his Richard (aw, Ben got validated--the look on his face made me cry more than I was already crying!)

* Desmond not dying

* Jack passing the torch to Hurley via a dirty plastic water bottle

* Miles finding Richard's gray hair (I should take this opportunity to explain reveal that in my head, James, Miles, and Richard got a house together, and Miles and James cracked jokes every time Richard complained about aches and pains)

* Jack and Flocke lunging at each other

* The mad dash for the plane

* The fact the Richard got off the island, too!

* Miles's smile when he saw a living, breathing Frank

* Richard deferring to Frank as soon as he provided another option

* Richard and Miles being a dynamic duo--oh God. I think I ship them.

I am going to miss this show. I cried so much for like four hours! But I'm pretty satisfied.

tv: lost

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