Lost: What They Died For (spoilers)

May 19, 2010 00:16

My brain is melty, so don't expect coherence!

* Everyone seems to have forgotten Frank in their grief woes! Does no one wonder what became of their hairy-chested pilot?

* I felt for James tonight--the guilt over whether he caused the deaths of Sayid, Sun, and Jin. I worry for Island!Sawyer's continued survival.

* So Ben is dark side again? Or have the writers suddenly remember he's a master schemer?

* Aw, GUSH GUSH GUSH at Alt!Ben! First he tries to make a citizen's arrest (LOL!), then he gets beaten up, and then he gets dinner at Danielle's. I love his reaction to Danielle's "next time I won't use so many" comment about the onions. Will Alt!Ben find romance and form an adorable nerdy family with Danielle and Alex?

* Alt!Miles asked Alt!Sawyer out. No, he did! It's canon, lol. "You can still be my date." :D Come on James, he'd be a cheap but fun date.

* Creepy Alt!Desmond busts out Sayid and Kate. Okay, I'm happy about this. But... I'd better get a happy ending for Sayid and Shannon. Sayid has been horribly miswritten for a season and a half, and I want happiness and fluffy kittens.

* Ditto for the other gutted couples--Sun and Jin and James and Juliet (who I'm pretty sure will turn out to be David's mom)

* Now that Jack is the unaging island keeper, I suspect we'll see Jack visiting Future!Aaron and Ji Yeon and giving them the magic touch. Just saying. ;)

* And some other stuff, but my brain is melted and no longer useful to this commentary. :D

* WAIT! I REMEMBER!!!! WTF HAPPENED TO RICHARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????!!!!!!!!!! (He'll probably show up with Frank at a critical moment)

tv: lost

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