Meme: Fandom Secrets, Guilty Pleasures, and Unpopular Opinions

May 13, 2010 02:10

Snagged from kamikazescot:

Everyone has dirty fandom secrets or guilty pleasures or unpopular opinions. List five of yours.

1. I do not think that Spencer Reid is the be all and end all of the Criminal Minds universe. In fact, he kind of bugs me. Early on, I liked him, but his freshness date has passed. I don't even have a solid, rational reason why I don't care for the character. I just don't like him.

2. I absolutely LOVE Jack Shepard. He's one of my all-time favorite TV characters. I love him because he's multi-dimensional and complicated and ultimately, he's dynamic... he's changed throughout the show, and I've enjoyed the journey.

3. As much as I love John Sheppard, I think he got away with far too much on Stargate: Atlantis. There are several times when he should have been reprimanded for his activities, and I found it frustrating that the writers never had that happen on screen.

4. I do not find Derek Hough attractive. I find him incredibly annoying.

5. While they're certainly not my top ship, I... I kind of ship Nate/Sophie. I think that if they ever get together, it'll be a train wreck. But I really enjoy their chemistry and hope the writers explore it in Season 3.

tv: criminal minds, tv: dwts, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: lost, tv: leverage

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