@&*!!!! WTF?

Apr 29, 2010 03:02

So.... I haven't had time to keep up with comic books this semester. I was just on Facebook, however--and this says something about my overall geekhood--I found out from Ryan Robbins that MARVEL FUCKING KILLED NIGHTCRAWLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted, they've been mishandling him for years (as in the dumbass backstory penned by Chuck Austen). But still. He was my favorite growing up. I even had a Nightcrawler header for a long while. Freaking Marvel. :(

This is what Ryan said:

Ryan Robbins is saddened by the death of one of his favorite mutant heros of all time... Why him, Marvel? Why him??

I feel his pain. :(


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