A fandom meme

Feb 13, 2010 02:08

I only did three fandoms--Leverage, Lost, and Criminal Minds this time around.

What I Like So Much About This Show: Well, I could wax poetic about the show and all of its fantastic qualities for a while. But to sum it up... it's a fun show with great characters and an amazing cast.
Favorite Character: I like them all, but I'm partial to Eliot.
Least Favorite Character: Sterling, because he's always picking on my favorite team, lol!
Ships: The only ship I follow is Nate/Eliot. They're my obsessive OTP for the show. I also like the idea of Hardison/Parker, Nate/Maggie, Eliot/Parker and Eliot/Hardison.
Characters Who Need a Ship: I like the idea of Sophie having an outside boyfriend, just because I think she and Nate should be friends rather than lovers.
A Favorite Scene: So many. I love the scenes in The Mile High Job, where Hardison is at the offices pretending to be an employee, and I love the scene in The First David Job where Sophie is about to jump off the roof, and Parker grins and runs into her arms.
Show Gripes: I don't have any real gripes about the show, except the whole grueling hiatus thing, lol.
Fandom Gripes: The lack of fanfic. There is fanfic, to be sure. But not nearly enough.
Questions I Want Answered: I just generally want more backstory on everyone. I'd love to see flashbacks of Nate chasing Eliot, Hardison, and Parker back in the day. And I'd love to know more about Eliot's early years. And I can't wait to meet Nate's dad. I'd love to see an episode where someone from Eliot's past shows up, and he really needs to depend on his team to save him. I mean, yeah, he's the team tough guy. But I'd like to see him get in over his head and need the team.
What This Show Needs: Well, depending on how this season ends, I think what they need is for Nate to finally accept who he is, so he can get his head straight. I'd love to have a scene where he proudly announces that he is a thief. Also, I think they need to resolve the Nate/Sophie stuff.

What I Like So Much About This Show: The weekly mindfuck
Favorite Character: Sayid
Least Favorite Character: Kate
Ships: I haven't read Lost fic in a while, but I tend to like Sayid/Jack, Sayid/Sawyer, or Desmond/Sayid. And I ship, but don't read much fic, for Sun/Jin, Sawyer/Juliet, and Desmond/Penny
Characters Who Need a Ship: Richard.
A Favorite Scene: I've always loved the "You guys got any milk" scene.
Show Gripes: The inconsistencies with certain characters--Sayid, Daniel. They threw out all of Sayid's character development for plot purposes, and that pissed me off. And the killing of Mr. Friendly was not cool.
Fandom Gripes: I mostly stay away from the comms, because I don't like the pettiness that some show toward certain characters and ships. My LJ and my flist are my safety zones.
Questions I Want Answered: I'd like to know how Ethan Rom/Goodspeed managed to be born in 1977 (which would have made him 27 when the plan crashed) but appears to be a man in his 40s.
What This Show Needs: Richard backstory and a little consistency. And I long for the days of simplicity on the beach.

Criminal Minds
What I Like So Much About This Show: I like this kind of show in general, but what makes me stick with this one so tightly is the characterizations and the writing. It's a really solid show with a good foundation.
Favorite Character: Hotch
Least Favorite Character: Elle
Ships: Hotch/Rossi, Hotch/Prentiss
Characters Who Need a Ship: I'm pretty happy with the way things are on that front.
A Favorite Scene: I really loved the scene in The Tribe, where Hotch and John Blackwolf were running around the school taking out cult members without guns. Hotch was so badass in that episode. Yes, he was.
Show Gripes: Consistency. They jumped the shark with Reid's addiction, and I feel like they're going to do the same with Morgan's girlfriend and Hotch's single parenthood.
Fandom Gripes: None, really.
Questions I Want Answered: Does Hotch ever communicate with his brother? They may not be close, but one would assume the little bro would get a call after his brother was nearly murdered by a serial killer. Just saying is all. The actor doesn't have to physically be there for the writers to explain their absence.
What This Show Needs: I'd love to see John Blackwolf show up again. I loved his chemistry with Hotch, and I secretly believe that they've kept in touch. Also, they need to have more ooey gooey team time.

tv: criminal minds, tv: lost, memes, tv: leverage

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