Fandom Meme

Jan 16, 2010 12:19

1. Stargate: Atlantis
2. Criminal Minds
3. Leverage
4. Sanctuary
5. Stargate: SG-1
6. Heroes
7. Stargate Universe
9. Doctor Who
10. Being Human

Assume spoilers for the most recent episodes of each series.

1. Who is my favorite character in 3? Leverage) Eliot. As I've said in other posts, he ticks all the right buttons for me. I have a thing for tough guy characters who are a little closed off, I like characters who have a bit of contrast about them (ex: Eliot the Hitter is also a fantastic cook), and I like fight scenes. I'm so easy.

2. Which character in 5 would I most want to shag? (SG-1) Daniel, especially during Season 9 and 10.

3. Best thing about the canon of 10? (Being Human) It sounds like a minor detail, but I love that the house looks like real people live in it. In other words, they leave their dirty laundry lying around, they have ridiculous wallpaper, it's cluttered, the furniture doesn't match. Most TV households magically have matching furniture sets and are always spotless, lol.

4. Worst thing about the canon of 1? (SGA) There are a couple of things I could say. I think I'll go with the fact that Mary Sue Keller was given more screentime at the end than people who had been on the show since Seasons 1 or 2.

5. Quote you love from 7? (SGU) It's not exactly known for it's memorable quotes. How about Young referring to Rush as "a lot of work."

6. Character in 4 do I most want to slap? (Sanctuary) Right now? Wexford.

7. Favorite ship in 2? (CM) Probably Hotch/Rossi.

8. One storyline/scene you want to see in 9? (DW) I'll just be happy with the return of the Weeping Angels. :D

9. Least favorite ship in 8? Jack/Kate. 'Nuff said.

10. Fandom annoyance in 6? (Heroes) The Sylar over-saturation

11. Unpopular opinion you have about 10? (Being Human) I don't know. That George and his flirtation with the "dark side" is annoying right now?

12. What would a crossover between 7 and 9 be like? (SGU and DW) I'll assume that the Doctor is Ten. It would probably have a tinge of "Waters of Mars" to it. Hanging out with the crew of Destiny would give Ten a chance to be really emo, because they're really emo. There would be some crisis, a lot of running, and Young and Rush would disagree on whether or not to trust the Doctor.

13. Favorite episode/book of 4? (Sanctuary) "Revelations, Parts 1 and 2," because we got four out of the Five in one place at one time. And Tesla got to be all bad ass.

14. Favorite non-romantic in 3? (Leverage) I'll say Eliot/Sophie. I like the fact that they actually have substantial talks with each other. We learned a lot about how Eliot thinks in "The Tap-Out Job" through their conversations. Also, I like that Eliot is genuinely hurt by the fact that she conned them in "The First David Job." They have kind of a brother sister vibe.

15. Favorite character in 2? (CM) Hotch, with a side of Prentiss and Rossi.

16. Quote you love from 6? (Heroes)
Hiro: The Crimson Arc?
Ando: My superhero alias. What do you think?
Hiro: It's good. Dangerous yet... ladylike.

17. Question you have about 5? This is kind of an SGA question, too, but what happened Hermoid when the Asgard homeworld blew up? Did he return home to die, too?

18. How long have you been involved in 1? Since the very first episode.

19. Character you'd like to see used more in 8? Sayid

20. Favorite ship in 3? I'm still deciding. I like Eliot/Nate, Eliot/Hardison, Eliot/Parker, Parker/Hardison, and Nate/Maggie. I also quite liked Eliot's ex-girlfriend, Aimee.

memes: fandom

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