Heroes: Close to You (spoilers)

Jan 11, 2010 22:04

My favorite thing in this episode? Hiro, Ando, and Mohinder. They were hysterical. They should form a crime-fighting team and hang out together in every episode.

Hiro: "Nap time for Sancho."

Hiro: "The Storm Troopers and the Ewoks."

Mohinder: "You did this to me."
Hiro: "To be continued."

Ando: "Hiro once saw a future where I killed him with my red lightning."
Mohinder: "Was it in Florida?"
Ando: "No, Japan."
Mohinder: "Then we're good to go."

But oh Mohinder, you darling dumbass:

*sirens go off*
Mohinder: "They must've searched my cell."
No, dumbass, they must've noticed the big damn door you left in the middle of the hall. LOL!

Okay, who else? Matt needs to get off his ass and do something. He could be one of the most powerful characters on the show, but the writers keep falling back on this whininess and reluctance to use his ability. The next thing you know, he'll be sitting in his bathrobe and eating Cheetos. Even Janice, who I can barely stand, thinks he needs to do something with himself. I kind of like Matt and Noah as a team--not as much as Matt and Mohinder (and thank you, Matt, for not thinking about the fact that you haven't heard from your friend in over two months).

Peter as the leader of the carnival? Hmm...

Janice, or should I say, Mrs. Inconsistency. She said earlier that she wants him to be happy, but when he tried to tell her what would make her happy, she's all, "You're a simple guy." Bah. Yes, Matt, you were right. You have let your friends down. Now get off your ass and go Professor X on that carnival.

Oh, the ending was brilliant, lol. Noah is about to put on the Barry White music and have himself a little something, and in pop Hiro, Ando, and Mohinder. Very casually: "Hello, boys." LOL!

tv: heroes

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