Being Human 2.01

Jan 10, 2010 22:42

I just watched the premiere of Being Human. Aside from wanting to punch George in the face for the first 45 minutes, I enjoyed the episode a lot. I have a feeling that Nina won't last out the season, though.

Relationships abounded this episode. Like I said earlier, I wanted to punch George in the face for most of the episode. His new rapport with Daisy reminds me of the one Mitchell had with Lauren last season. Ugh. She's already annoying me.

The Nina/Annie dynamic really worked for me. I like that Annie has another girl to balance her out out, and her accompanying Nina for the change? Nicely done. Speaking of relationships, Annie has a love interest. Wow. I wonder how that will work out, lol.

Mitchell--first of all, I felt bad for him when George called him out for not having a purpose. He wasn't wrong, but that was harsh. I like Lucy, but the suspicious part of me expects her and Saul to be up to something. Nevertheless, I like that Mitchell is still trying to reach out and have something of a life.

And damn he looked hot this episode.

As for the Mr. Mysterious... yikes.

tv: being human

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