Doctor Who: End of Time, Part II (spoilers)

Jan 02, 2010 23:24

Okay, first of all, let me say that I loved the episode. I've seen mixed reviews on my flist, but I thought it was fantastic, even though there were a couple of things I'd have done differently. I used SO MANY tissues during this episode!

Doctor/Master interaction: Beautifully done. I love that the Doctor still tried to appeal to the Master to give up his plans for world domination and travel with him. Kind of naive on the part of the Doctor, but I think it says a lot about his loneliness and the place of the Master in his life. I particularly liked when the Doctor wondered what his life would have been like without the Master. And the tears in the Master's eyes. Lovely.

Wilf: Best. Companion. Ever. I love him, and I've realized that when Wilf cries, I cry. I know that they're going to want to make everything shiny and new for Eleven, but I'd love to see Wilf pop up again and meet our new Doctor. Wilf's reaction to seeing space for the first time, his conversation where he was attempting to convince the Doctor to take arms. A beautiful performance.

Return of the Time Lords: First of all, I quite love that Timothy Dalton was Rassilon. The confrontation between the Time Lords seemed a bit quick, though. I wanted to know so much more. Who was the woman? Was she Susan? Romana? The Doctor's mother? Someone else?

Donna: I'll admit that I was not happy Donna's story still hasn't been resolved. I mean, I guess RTD sees it as a resolution, but I wanted more. I wanted her to remember and still be all right. I wanted her to have a final moment with Ten. I supposed Moffat can always bring her back, though, and I hope he does. She was not treated fairly. I mean, what is her legacy? She settles and never remembers her BEST FRIEND (I am so glad that the Doctor said it, though. He actually said she's his best friend.) and all of the wonders she saw. And her grandpa has no one to squee about space with? Can you imagine how much that's killing him? He can't say, "Sweetheart, I shot down a missile with an alien spacegun!" And for that matter, where was their special relationship? Wilf was always special to Donna, but we barely saw them together. /rant

Joan Redfern's granddaughter: That was a nice touch that I was not expecting. I was already crying when that bit came on, and I had to grab another tissue!

Mickey and Martha: I'm torn between WTF and YAY. What happened to Tom? How did their relationship emerge? I'm glad they both have someone nice, though. I thought they both got a raw deal, her pining over the Doctor and him over Rose. They deserve happiness. If they ever turn up on Torchwood at some point, though, I'll fear for their safety. RTD doesn't like people to be happy.

Sarah Jane and Luke: Not much to say her, except that I like I liked the way the Doctor waved and Sarah Jane smiled back at him. I hope she meets Eleven, because it would just seem right to have Sarah Jane interact with the new regeneration. She and the Doctor have been through so much together.

Jack and Alonso: Jack looked so gutted and worn after losing Ianto (and everything else that happened). At least RTD had the common decency to have still be hurting by the events of COE. The Doctor apparently knows about the events of COE and apparently knows Jack is in pain. I think it was nice and sad at the same time that the Doctor, who chooses to regenerate alone, when he could have been literally surrounded by people who love him, recognizes that Jack needs companionship and connection, even if its just for a bit. And I might've squeed when Alonso showed up. Let the Jack/Alonso fic begin!

Jackie and Rose: I was nervous about how this would be handled, but they did a great job. It was nice that they worked Jackie into the scene and that they had Rose at a time when she was still so innocent to what was beyond her own world.

The regeneration: The other major thing that disappointed me in this episode was the Doctor's attitude. I wanted him to go with dignity, the way Nine did. The fact that he regenerated alone and was feeling sorry for himself kind of bugged me.

Eleven: I already love him. I think (and hope) he's going to be a less angst-ridden Doctor. Let's have fun and frolic. But yeah, I already love him. "I'm a girl!" LOL! "Still not ginger." (I was WAITING for that line.) And OMG! The trailer!!! There was a Weeping Angel!!! And Eleven looks happy and excited to be on a great adventure. Yay!

So in conclusion, I WANT SERIES FIVE!!! Excuse me while I go repeatedly watch and pause the trailer for Series Five.

tv: doctor who

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