Random thoughts

Nov 14, 2009 01:13

1. I watched and enjoyed SGU and Sanctuary tonight. I will comment on them tomorrow.

2. I am really missing SGA and SG-1 right now--especially SG-1. I will probably partake in a marathon. I didn't realize it until tonight, but the guy who plays Volker in SGU was in the SG-1 episode "Morpheus." Now I want to see the episode again. It's a favorite of mine anyway, so I think that'll be on the marathon list tomorrow.

3. I'm late in saying this, but thanks for all the birthday wishes, V-gifts, etc. You guys rock!

4. I made chocolate muffins earlier this evening.

tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: sanctuary, muffins!, tv: stargate: sg-1, tv: stargate: universe

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