V: The Miniseries, Answers to Favorite Character Meme

Nov 01, 2009 15:45

For all of you deprived people who never saw the original V miniseries, Siffy is marathoning it today.

And here are the unguessed fandoms for the Favorite Character Meme:

5. X-Men: Northstar. Some of you may remember me babbling about him when I was writing my Masters Thesis back in the day.

7. LotR: Legolas. I always like the archers. :D

14. FlashForward: Demetri. Tough one because it's new, but right now, I'm most interested in his storyline.

16. Scream: Randy. I was devastated when they killed him off in Scream 2.

20. V (80s miniseries): Martin, the Visitor Fifth Columnist. *points to icon* He's the one in orange. To this day, he's my favorite.

I am shocked that it took so long for someone to get Lorne and Bones for their respective fandoms! :O

tv: v: the miniseries, memes

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