I'm loving Vampire Diaries a lot. It's nice to have a show to watch that isn't terribly complicated. It's got a good cast, and I'm intrigued by the chemistry between the brothers. Not in a slashy way or anything, but rather in a "I really believe them as brothers" kind of way. And darling Ian. I know Damon is a bad, growly vampire, but I loves him. I've missed regularly drooling over Ian. I want to smack a couple of the girls in the series, though. Come on, ladies. Show some sense. I like the psychic/witch, though, and of course, Elena. And I find the aunt kind of endearing.
As for Bones, it was also fantabulous. Booth was looking mighty fine, and I really felt for him as he tried to cope with his confusion and his feelings. Cyndi Lauper was kind of creeping me out the whole episode, though. I don't know if it was her monotone delivery or the fact that I remember when she was still young and had that crazy orange checkered hair. In any case, I'm glad the show is back!