(no subject)

Aug 22, 2009 17:46

1. Good old Siffy has not only changed their name, they have also changed their website design. Now technically, there's nothing wrong with the new design, but I preferred the old one. I suppose I should be happy that they at least show sci-fi on the station once in a while. *grouse grouse grouse*

2. I need new Kavan Smith stuff. Why do I not have a shiny new movie or leaked TV pilot to watch?

3. Yesterday, while checking something on IMDB, I discovered that Lou Ferrigno was snubbed by Dancing with the Stars. They could have had the freaking Hulk as a cast member, but instead, we get stuck with a swimsuit model and Former Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay. Gag. Granted, after last season's disappointing results, I should probably care less. But alas, I do care. I guess I'll just have to support Melissa Joan Hart, Donny Osmond and Kelly Osbourne. (Shut up... I have eclectic taste.)

actor: kavan smith, sci-fi, i like lists

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